Recon lasgun crit effects really hamper visibility

Ever since the latest patch Recon lasguns feel much better to use ; however, Please Please Please for the love of all that is holy, remove the spark effect from the muzzle when you crit.

If you combine high crit-rate and high fire-rate (like, y’know, with the Mk6d with Headhunter), aiming downs sights hampers your aim. Half the time with the Mk6d, I am literally guessing at the location of my target because of all the bright red light.

Instead just… slightly change the color of the beam when you crit. No blinding VFX please.


No blinding VFX in general please. This should be applied across the whole game. There is way too much visual and audio noise.


As part of an accessibility mod to lessen the visual spam (especially flashing and strobing blinding stuff) I’m working on, I have a removal of muzzle flashes.
edit: Made some changes, intercepting particle draw for muzzle flashes (from other players) to avoid weirdness. (1.7 KB)


Thanks man, I will wait for the nexus release, but that is likely ease the pain on our eyes, and maybe even give people a couple of frames per second back.

Wow thanks !! You’re a wizard Harry !

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Ok, I’ve tried it out, and it’s already a huge improvement for lasguns in general ; however you might want to know that the crit-specific muzzle effects for lasguns are still there (maybe you already knew, since the full mod isn’t done yet).

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I can just post this one up on Nexus if you like.

Yep, the little crit sparkly tendrils were part of the “line” effects IIRC, I can probably remove them fast-ish and put that in this tiny mod if you think it’s helpful to do so. I don’t find they’re particularly harmful from an accessibility/photosensitivity perspective, and that’s my intent (to reduce harm). I could be wrong.

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Eh, I would get rid of it, but it’s OK. It’s only on the Recon lasgun Mk6d that the crit sparks get annoying because of the super high fire rate (and I don’t use it much).

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This should be an easy fix. I reported infantry autoguns as a bug for the same issue, they used to flashbang you on crits when you used ADS until they patched it.


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