Random Crashes After Last Hotfix Patch

Issue Description:
Since the last hotfix patch, I have been getting random crashes while playing. I haven’t observed any pattern of what makes the game crash, which seems random. Sometimes I am fighting, other times, and other times I am just walking around.

Error Displayed (If Applicable):
No error code, hard crash.

Steps to Reproduce:

Mission Name (If Applicable):
It doesn’t seem to be restricted to any particular mission.


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:

Reproduction Rate:
Common, happens 1-2 per mission.

Upload Supporting Evidence:
console-2023-08-16-03.51.15-58632038-4892-4c45-b49b-bb7b2d53e206.log (246.5 KB)
console-2023-08-16-04.04.11-52458f5b-f11e-4b0b-9f99-d24e051072cb.log (120.1 KB)
console-2023-08-16-04.09.35-494bd899-6269-473c-87a9-0607d89c2ebf.log (173.9 KB)
crash_dump-2023-08-16-03.51.15-58632038-4892-4c45-b49b-bb7b2d53e206.dmp (1.7 MB)
crash_dump-2023-08-16-04.04.11-52458f5b-f11e-4b0b-9f99-d24e051072cb.dmp (1.4 MB)

This does appear to be crashing in the NVIDIA driver. Please perform a clean re-installation of your drivers using the instructions below:

I used DDU Cleaner to uninstall the Nvidia Drivers and reinstall the Nvidia Drivers. I tried playing level and got a " MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" BSOD early in the level.

When I boot up Darktide after reinstalling the GPU drivers, the launcher always undoes my graphic configurations. Is there a way to stop this from happening?

Still getting crashes after uninstalling and reinstalling my GPU drivers.

crash_dump-2023-08-18-01.32.35-c539df80-b444-4777-b6c8-768f454211c7.dmp (1.4 MB)
crash_dump-2023-08-18-01.36.54-521a06bc-0c96-4b31-9359-6d9c952eafa4.dmp (1.4 MB)

Three crashes in one game tonight.

crash_dump-2023-08-19-02.37.42-d0ddb66b-4081-4565-b672-43e9bee70134.dmp (1.6 MB)
crash_dump-2023-08-19-02.47.08-b782e579-84a0-4144-bcee-ebd43bbe3e8b.dmp (1.5 MB)
crash_dump-2023-08-19-01.58.47-6e6cd915-778a-4728-868a-b61e97a69876.dmp (1.6 MB)