Rager nerf? Yes or no?

I’m starting to feel like ragers at damnation might have too much HP compared to everything else. This includes both flack and regular rager varieties.

On Damnation they have almost 3k hp right now

I play a little bit of each class, have all my characters at level 30 with multiple builds. I don’t really have too many issues on my ogryn so long as nothing distracts me while I’m “dealing” with a rager but it feels like I really have to blow ammo on them way more because when they get to my team, if I can’t take time to stagger them I have to use something like the kickback or the gorgonum stubber in order to kill them ASAP.

Here’s some of my thoughts

On my Zealot currently and it feels like some weapons such as the heavy sword do an ok job with them while others like the Crusher feel like a wet noodle unless you run a stagger build for the crusher. Currently use Hammer blow and skullcrusher on my crusher to get a lot more out of the weapon.

Tangent over, the point is both the flak and reg varieties of crushers have around 2.5k hp currently on Damnation and I’m starting to wonder if that’s a big much. I think the idea is they want players to spec into hard countering ragers either through stagger or through taking weapons like the heavy sword or a cleaver. I have a bad thunder hammer so I can’t really one shot KO a rager with a heavy charge on my mk II thunder hammer right now.

When it comes to ranged weapons for example, it takes 2 slug rounds from my Agripena combat shotgun to kill both ragers which I think is ok but that feels like a lot of time on target compared to one shotting every elite and special that isnt a mutant, mauler or ogryn.

The autoguns both are kinda ok against the flak rager but deal well with the reg rager which feels intended so if you use the MkVIII braced for example, maybe take damage vs flak to help save ammo?

Now this part is more of its own topic but of course the flamer is not even worth using on anything that is not a pox walker or groaner. For some reason Fatshark nerged the flamer to the ground and never looked back.

What kinda gets me urked a bit however is how a fully charged “Two handed chainsword” ( Not calling it an evisorator ever ) cannot Kill a rager in a fully charged heavy with special for both varieties unless you use something to enhance it like Fury of the faithful or the modifier eclissiarchs call, the ladder takes a few seconds to get the buff off for you and your friends.

It takes Four bolter rounds on my current bolter ( three if surgical procs a crit ) which is “ok” but its also a bolter! Its poor ammo economy in the game and its odd lack of damage to targets like dogs has made me avoid the weapon altogether for a while.

My Kantreal combat shotgun against the regular rager does well, only takes three to four shots and thats not too hard to pump our but then it takes seven shots on the flak rager.

With those examples out of the way, how do you guys feel about ragers compared to other mobs.
Do you wish some weapons did a bit more damage to them, think they’re ok currently or something else?

I think some mobs like the Ogryn Crusher and Mauler are fine right now, they’re threatening but can be handled so long as you either stagger them before you get overwhelmed or have a tool like a plasma gun or thunder hammer for the job.

I think the weapons like the Heavy sword VI while they’re good against ragers, the trend seems to make them not great against most other targets like the mauler and shotgunners.


I like ragers as they are now tbh. Bit of a situational awareness (and perhaps reflex) check. As long as you’re aware of them and counterplay, they’re not a big deal. If you’re not paying attention, they’ll cut you to ribbons.


Rager health is great, they have some chance to stay alive while high-impact options still delete the more common maniac variant, including throwing knives (which might require +maniacs IDK, I run +maniacs on everything).

FS just forgot to adjust TH and Chain weapons for it. Bolter ammo dumps are also incredibly bad outside FtoF rending and boss burst damage, but that’s a Bolter problem and we have some topics on that already.


Throwing knives are generally a 2 tap but flamethrowers and most other things do an ok job.

Generally if you are a big group you can especially stagger lock them with FtF on a flamer and do what you want to them.

I wish they were a little easier to control/interrupt. I think HP value is OK 'cause otherwise they’d never be able to run up to you without a horde. At the same time once there is a horde for them to blend into it’s pretty hard to pick them out and stop them from going all Chaos Blender on your face.


Just wish they didn’t have ghost reach weapons. Otherwise they’re fine. If they become too easy to stagger they lose a lot of their threat.


Well this is some bona fide terrible advice


They’re in a good spot now IMOP. They were too few and too squishy before, not at all threatening, just another thing to kill. Now you have to pay attention if you get a pack of them.


Obvious troll

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Literally one of the only monstrosities that is any kind of a real threat and you want to nerf it? Really?

The most telegraphed attack in existence if you engage your brain for more than half a second. Most of the other attacks can be blocked. The haymaker is not even that hard to deal with, just back up 5 head.

Like god forbid a mini boss is actually scary and isn’t just target practice or a 2 tap with a thunder hammer.

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No if they had less HP you would just Ez gun them down before they even got close.
Just go to the meat grinder and shoot them to death with whatever you got on malice hersey and damnation.
They basically evaporate to a level 30 build with a good weapon on everything but damnation.

Also you can just block the first attack jump back and pull out range and shoot them because they get stuck in the slow moving attack animation.

Only the rager patrols are difficult like all things in DT they need numbers to be a threat.

There’s a lot wrong with your post but this is perhaps my favorite one. The Ogryn Shield, and Mk 4 Knife are incredibly strong weapons, and I would argue that the Mk3b Club is one of the strongest melee weapons in the entire game.

There’s a reason Ogryns are so strong right now, and part of that is their melee weapons.


Run Mk 4 on a gunlugger build a few times and I could actually just walk everywhere stabbing things. I felt like playing a tank… On a gunlugger build. Tried it after playing with a really good Ogryn on Maelstrom using the same weapon. He did 500k melee damage with it… On a gunlugger build.

Playing Ogryn is so freakishly strange it’s like nothing can hurt you at all.

Hybrid Gun lugger is one of the best builds in the game right now. My choice is mk 4 krourk with mk 2 ripper gun, point blank barrage and Feel No Pain. It’s incredibly strong and I can top melee damage and kills easy with it.

Mk 3b however is better for all situations if you can get the bleed talent with it. Thunderous Skullcrusher, + bleed charge is stupidly strong. It’s my opinion that the 3b is a bit too strong right now but that might be how bleed interacts with Thunderous and Skullcrusher.

I don’t think you really play ogryn, You can knock down a rager quite easily with the shield and if you take the 40% heavy damage perk alone then three to four charge melee first chain in the m1 do the job. Ogryn cleaver can deal well with ragers on a charged melee as well but cleavers are awful against maulers and crusher which is why I never take them over the shield or power maul.

Also laughed a bit when I heard gun psyker, sure it works but why take ammo when you can ignore it altogether and let your allies use their guns more often?

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I kinda agree with this, I do think ragers should be something to be afraid of and right now if one does catch you, you will see your HP drop fast if you’re not careful and that’s good.

You’re not wrong, they do kinda just sit there and do the " So I started swinging" bit.

Thanks for the tips. I’m pretty scrub with Ogryn, so any pointers are helpful. Might try some out, I used Ripper V I think with MK4, so would be interesting to see what MK2 Ripper can do, or an MK3b with a melee build.

Tell the truth I’m more and more convinced you never actually played the game and mostly come on here to troll by (badly) repeating YouTuber talking points to rile people up.