Are Ragers Faster Now?

Guys, I think these Ragers are faster now, there’s no window to land a hit in, they are just walking meatgrinders, non stop barrage of attacks and comboes, and the worst part I do not know if I am right or delusional.

I also didn’t find anything in the patch notes, am I actually going insane?


…did they screw up and revert them back to their old behavior again? Am I gonna get another entry for their version control problems in the Book?

Anyway I was running Smite psyker so I didn’t notice anything.


Yes I thought I was going crazy but they attack so much faster now it feels like.

Had 2 ragers do through a psyker like a hot knife through butter.


No, they aren’t auto hitting players like they used to, they just swing faster.

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Because he was more miffed than angry after the nerfs. At best he was agitated.

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Merely “butthurt”

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There are tons of changes to enemy behavior that wasn’t mentioned in patch notes. Basic groaners have faster attack speed, basic shooters shoot faster, gunners have higher accuracy, Reapers move faster while shooting, etc. You can check it yourself in the script github for Darktide.

I don’t know if this is version mismanagement or FS wanted to buff enemies a lot and not tell us.


I was wondering why I kept getting shot to hell!

I’m all for difficulty increase but please keep us informed!!


Glad it’s not just me that’s noticed this, not just the Ragers turning into walking blenders but those other enemy changes.

I hope it’s more of a bug/version mismatch than a deliberate difficulty increase because god damn, the new weapons aren’t that good.


I like the Rager changes and the basic shooter changes. I am not a fan of the Reaper changes and the Gunner changes.

Ambivalent towards the Groaner changes, although I noticed testing the new Recons now more than ever you need to be ready to react whenever you are ADSed for more than a couple of seconds, as even a basic groaner sneaking up on you (they also have more movement speed) can chunk your health or even down you if you don’t notice them.

I really don’t like this.

Not because of difficulty, but because it’s unannounced. So it’s either FS trying to be sneaky or them being incompetent.


Why didn’t they mention that in the patch notes, the whole yesterday I felt really bad because I thought that I got worse :smiling_face_with_tear:

(Couldn’t reach the same heights as I did before)


Now that you mention it I definitely notice the gunner accuracy. They don’t miss at all now, just a perfect straight laser beam of bullets from 100 feet away.

I also don’t like it, both the fact it went unannounced and the changes it came with. The only change I don’t mind was the Reaper’s as previously their movement speed was so slow that they were just Gunners that hit the buffet a few times too many.


Can now corroborate. Ragers are faster and meatgrinder-y.

Also someone made the director mad.

I swear, every patch that makes map adjustments causes the director to go nuts and now Auric is unplayable for me in pubs.


Trying to do the new map on auric in the duo I usually do wasn’t just the fun and satisfying challenge it should have been, but just an absolute mess with these new caffeine-stim-empowered enemies, alongside the classic silent special spam (it’s still never been fixed properly woohoo). Even in a three man it was just as unsatisfying to play. I can’t comment on how it goes with pugs, seeing as how vets using the movement speed aura seems to exacerbate the server issues for… some reason, so we didn’t want to risk the Omnissiah’s wrath through quickplay. With these new and improved gunners especially, the new map just doesn’t blend well with these unannounced changes, the massive open sightlines and lack of proper cover in half the areas just really doesn’t feel good.

As for Ragers specifically, it’s almost comical at this point. So they finally fix it so they can be properly dealt with in melee, then shortly after proceed to make it a chore, once again, so that the best option, once again, is to just dodge-slide away and shoot them, completely undoing what in my (and many other people’s) opinion was a fantastic change.

Maybe I’m huffing too much copium, but I’m really hoping these sweeping changes to the enemies were not deliberate and/ or just not announced; hopefully just another certified FatShark moment with a branch/version error.


As a current stunlocking ogryn, I can neither confirm or deny since they never attack when im around :rofl:


I think they attack faster.

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They seem to be as impact resistant as they were prior to the last time they were changed.

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I really want everybody’s opinion on that, can you let Ragers attack in your general direction and observe if they are faster or not.

I myself noticed that by letting them attack me.
I smacked these dudes from the safe distance with one of the slowest weapons in all of 40k - pickaxe, and while hours passed as I charged my heavy I witnessed the horror, rager attacking with lightspeed.
Our mights collided, the immovable object with unstoppable power and dude swinging sticks like a mad man.

He died, yet the stain of my cold sweat is forever immortalised on my really cool SWAG shirt