Quick-Inject Stimms Mod Bug? (PSA)

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Okay, so… Recently, I’ve added the “Quick-Inject Stimms” Mod to my long list of Mods… only to find out during my match that I couldn’t block or even shove with any weapon with this mod on (this was on Ogryn btw not sure if that matters). Literally, right-clicking had no function with any animation otherwise & no, I wasn’t out of stamina at all. I uninstalled the game/mods & reinstalled them hoping it would fix, but it didn’t which was very bizarre. I turned off certain mods & finally this Mod is the culprit I found out. I just want to say that this Mod 100% works perfectly, you just have to play around with the settings on the Mod to get it right. Certain settings on this Mod made it so where I literally couldn’t do the block/shoving feature. It was super weird… Not sure if anybody else has had this particular issue, but just a friendly warning if for some odd reason your block/shoving right-click function doesn’t work if you download this Mod in the future. :slight_smile: Maybe just maybe I was the only one this has happened to? lol

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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you sure you are running the latest version of it? there was a bug similar in the initial version.

not sure about the latest version.
you could ask to the author in the modding discord server for further information!

Yeah, I’m running the latest version of that Mod. It’s with a certain setting in which it does that. I even put the setting back on & it still does it. I might contact the author of the Mod & perhaps tell him or her about the issue. I just don’t want people to download it & freak out & panic that they cannot block or shove like I did lol. But thanks!

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which setting and which specific weapon of ogryn? i’m going to test to see if it happens to me also just to sort it out

I’m not sure of the exact setting, sorry. I’m too lazy to go back in right now. It’s easy to test there’s not many settings within the Mod. I tested this with Shield & Bully Club so far. The secondary action of ranged weapons like hitting or bracing in for a shot is totally fine which is even weirder. It’s just melee weapons is the issue specifically… I’ve only tested this with Ogryn not sure of the other classes right now. The block/shove function doesn’t work like literally right-click itself is non-functional.

It would be far better reporting it to the mod author, either on their Nexus mod page or through the modding discord as they can then fix it for you and others.


They also wanted to let other forum users know, which I appreciate :blush:

Yes, that’s my plan, styky.

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Who exactly, MunKy? The Mod Author?

i use the quick stim mod and have not observed any missed blocks.

Lucky. Did you try all the settings & use it on Ogryn? When I use a certain setting in there my right-click doesn’t even function oddly enough. I’m in talks with the Author or the Mod. Hope it gets updated. It works totally fine as of now with a different setting, so I’m not too worried about it anymore.

i use it on all characters including ogryn. the only instance where it happens that blocking does not work is the occasional poxburster, i have stamina, i push but the dumb thing seems to jump through me. it happens rarely though. not sure if it has anything to do with the quick stim mod.

Yeah, I’ve had that happen as well. Not sure what to say… The Mod is still doing this to me. I know it’s this Mod because I disabled the others so I can see that it’s this one. But for now, I was just trying to help out people just in case it happens to them. But I’m glad it still working for you.