In the psykhanium when I got my catachan sword back after the force one, it spawned with a large glitch stuck to it, which persisted outside of the psykhanium and could be seen in the inventory.
That’s the one
We kindly ask that you complete the questions below. With this information, we can add it to our database for investigation.
Issue Description:
Large starburst geometric shape covered top left of screen.
Steps to Reproduce:
1.went to psyconarium as veterian to first healing health tutorial
3. Only when lasgun was equipped, a large starburst covered top left of screen
4. when killed by survoskull and put into 3d person, starburst was floating above and to the left of my character.
5. went away when autogun was force equiped and did not return when lasgun was reequiped.
Mission Name (If Applicable):
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/17/2022 4:40 eastern
Reproduction Rate:
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We kindly ask that you complete the questions below. With this information, we can add it to our database for investigation.
Issue Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]
- Just did the psychanium
Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
19:09 CST
Reproduction Rate:
No idea
Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]
Upload Console Log:
console-2022-11-18-00.37.06-ff3427b6-34bb-4e37-aa03-694a29b54335.log (181.7 KB)
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user_settings.config (3.0 KB)
I had the same issue in the Psykanium, as shown. Was not present in missions.
Occurred once during training.
Occurred at 11 AM EST
Reproduction rate: One time so far
Same during training
Also in Psykhanium
Steam: Galbitorix38
in game: Temptation
I updated my drivers and it fixed it
Weird thing with mine is that it occurred a single time and hasn’t been an issue since. So I don’t know if this was an isolated event within the phy or with laser gun itself.
My drivers were up to date so I do not think that’s the case.