Psyker visual effects while blockng with force swords

When I block with my force sword, it creates force field of such intensity and size that I cannot see anything other than my hands. I suggest it to be toned down.


It’s pretty intense!

If you’re on PC and down to mod: Clean Force Blocking at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community


Thank you! i will try it.
Edit: game crashes with this mod enabled. I’ll wait for an update.


As the mod author replied to a post(maybe yours) today on Nexus mods, helps to look at the logs, it usually tell you exactly where a mod failed.

I just tried the mod and it seem perfectly fine. Are you using other mods ? Did you remember the required DT mod framework (DMF) as listed on the page?

Log folder:
C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\console_logs
OR copy-paste the following into an explorer address bar, or Run dialog box (Win+R),

Search the latest console*.log file for the last <<Crash>> entry. Mods crashing should have a <<Lua Stack> entry showing you which mod script file(s) were at fault.

Downloading latest version helped fixing my problem.
Hope new patch would not break it.
Got confused by NexusMods layout, have not used it in years.

They could use few UX passes for sure…

Doesn’t seem to work with new patch.

Did you re-run the toggle mods .bat file? You have to toggle them back on after each update.

If it’s still broken, definitely let the mod author know if you can!

It has not occurred to me.
I will try it, thank you.

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