Psyker ults

I am so glad you asked!

I’ve had great effect with these in any combination.


I mean, they serve different purposes. Bubble is defence, venting shriek is offence. You also have to consider what staff you are using. Some build peril slower so you don’t need vent for the peril management, and some are spammy high crit/high peril builds that can cause you to blow up if you don’t do it properly, so venting shriek becomes a needed safety net.

You can also quell peril for as long as scriers gaze lasts for indefinite toughness generation - good for running through areas where you’re being shot at, not recommended for face tanking.

Wall > Bubble

Get @ me

All of psyker’s major nodes feel pretty well balanced, except Blitz and Aura IMO. All active abilities serve their purpose and the keystones are flexible enough for every psyker build you can think of.

Problem is that when I’m not running braincrush, I get into so many situations where I think “man I really wish I had braincrush right now”, and Seer’s Presence is just so obviously more valuable than the other auras, even 5% crit chance (which is not insignificant tbh).

Side tangent, but I don’t get why people think braincrush is bad - if Smite didn’t exist as the ultimate use-any-time panic button, it would easily be the best blitz in the game. Instant lock on from any range, instant kill on any non-heavy elite, and impressively fast with the very-available EP keystone and/or Kinetic Resonance and/or blue juice, and infinite uses. Does good boss damage, too.


You know what. Imma come back and take back everything I said just out of spite.

Considering well over half of my downs & deaths come from soundless cheating little trappers, and how the only thing that can counter them is the shield, OP is absolutely right. Everything in the game pales in comparison to that.

God I’m sick and tired of those trappers.

OK - here’s my opinion (and it is just opinion). Right now I’m running a fairly standard Psyker build: Purgatus staff for mobs, Assail for distanced enemies, Deimos for Caraprace / Crushers / Mutants. While Bubble could be a good defence option, what I have is Shriek. Why? Well, (a) it can be used to stun and clear space if I’m getting mobbed, and (b) it allows me to break past the 15 (IIRC) limit on Burn stacks – meaning I’m even pretty good anti Monster (particularly if I’m getting some support to redirect attention away from me!).

While Psykers tend to be good at filling roles on the fly, this particular build lets me counter pretty much any variety of foe. Now could I use Bubble instead?Absolutely. But generally the number of times I find myself wishing I had Bubble are nearly zero (only when I’ve been a bit silly and overextended), while I’ve tried the revers and…it just isn’t as good (admittedly some of that is due to the skill tree limiting options, but still…). Of course, Shriek might be much less useful on a different build - but that’s really my point:

I think that while Bubble can be good in any build, Gaze and Shriek can be very good in specific builds. Anyway, that’s my thought.

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