Scrier's Gaze Bad?

Tried to make a melee oriented Psyker with Gaze but the ult felt as if it barely provided a boost, while simultaneously giving you huge weaknesses, hindering you to use any psykic abilities for a time
basically having to choose between not ulting or 20s no peril, made the ult hella lackluster to play.

not to mention that any psykic weapon in unison is Incredibly dangerous since its very unclear (to me) when you actually leave the buff and become vulnerable to peril blow ups

thoughts? did you make it work?

It’s more for gun psyker builds. Use with high crit / crit dmg guns, like las pistol. Revolver doesn’t have enough in the chamber, reload speed to take fully advantage of SG. Not sure about rifles, probably recon las, with DoT blessings.

I do share your disappointment with lack of melee oriented options, but I have been enjoying Ilisi and Surge combo. This allows you to melt horde, specials and light elites alike. I mainly use Empowered Brain Rapture for double tapping Crushers. Ilisi with Bloodthirsty and Blazing Spirit also works, even if its a bit of a meme.

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Tried it with purgatus staff and was disappointed. The ability pushes you to high peril extremely fast, and if you didn’t clear up the enemies then you stand there without an ability to quickly dump peril and having to quell, go melee, or try to run away. Not having that push and peril dump takes some getting used to but it’s possible to adjust the playstyle. Overall it still feels like a huge downgrade from good ole push (venting shriek). Ability to dump peril and stagger enemies just has so much more utility and allows you to keep uptime on staff and chaining other warp abilities way more consistently.

All in all, definitely not worth it in my opinion with purgatus or melee. It’s possible there is some other playstyle it caters to I haven’t tried. Could be useful with the autopistol build, I might have to try that at some point.

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I’ve found it to be decent with the a force sword or Voidstrike with the blessing that quells on weakspot hits; paired with the weakspot kills count as +1 second of duration, it’s a solid boost IMO and the lingering effect afterwards is nice

With Empowered Psionics, it’s pretty nifty for blasting elites back-to-back as well :smiley:

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It’s actually really good on melee Psyker, if you also have the damage on high peril talent. Then it’s a boon, not a detriment to be high peril.

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good ideas gonna look into some next time

I’ve messed around with about 3 different builds. I’ve come to the conclusion just to not use it. I just cannot find a way to make it useful enough.

If you do. Please let us know!

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Unstable Power on your weapon of choice + Warp Rider + Scrier’s Gaze
20% Damage + 20% Power + 10% Damage and +20% Crit + 1%-30% Damage

You end up getting 51%-80% extra damage for a few seconds (of which +20% also have cleave).
Blessing ‘Exorcist’ as well as Reality Anchor allows you to keep the bonus longer and you can also extend duration with quelling on the go.
It’s situational for sure, but if you’re a high risk high reward type of guy you’d love it. And technically speaking you can use it for repositioning / escaping, if you got the 20% movement speed talent for Scrier’s Gaze.


It’s extremely fun with blazing trauma. You really really feel the increased crit chance and extra burning. It does take a bit of peril management but if you just activate it then spam uncharged/half charged blasts then active vent back to 0 and repeat you can spread a lot of fire very quickly.

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I’ll try that. Thanks!

I’ve been running it with a gun and duelling sword, and it’s been a lot of fun. Definitely recommend the movement speed buff with it. Trigger it and zoom around killing stuff, and take the thing that increases your damage at high peril to double dip on the damage boost.

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