Psyker is in desperate needs of a Rework

Yeah the biggest problems going for the Psyker are:

  1. No damage scaling on BB
  2. No damage scaling on Soulblaze + the vase damage of it is abysmally bad
  3. The talent tree and class passives focus around brain burst and kind of penalize playing anything else

Regardless of number 3, you basically hit peak performance at lvl 20 if you find a good staff and use it with Mind in Motion.

IMO they should do some changes to the talent tree and replace the staff special attacks with an extra skill instead of the redundant and slow non-cleave melee animation. I would suggest doing this to Psyker:

Some values are obviously drawn from hat but with slight changes to the talent tree you can actually use any weapon you want, which should be the way the talent tree is built. Why have a game full of interesting and cool weapons if the class mechanics only give incentive for not using them at all?

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