Providing Comms, Because Someone Has To: Dogs Condition!

Because we’re all starving for information and/or updates (either or both in the form of communication or actual game updates), I’ve done a little bit of hunting and have uncovered one of the vaguest of morsels mentioned by CM_Aqshy.

Yesterday (or today, I have no idea where you live) Aqshy mentioned this little tidbit in discord, regarding the Chaos Hound Global Condition event and the possibility we might see it rotated out soon.

“Should have a new event rotation upcoming soon, we have a sync tomorrow so will check in on when that might rotate out. Might want to stop carrying doggie treats in your pockets for now, though!” - Aqshy

So, for those of us that are sick to death of Dogs, their bs movement, and unreliable dodging/pushing, there may be some relief in the near future. As with all things Fatshark, this should be treated with scepticism, disbelief, and caution, until proved otherwise.

Disclaimer: I don’t work for Fatshark, nor do I represent them. If I did, this post wouldn’t exist.

I’ve stopped playing purely because of that global condition. It’s good to hear they’re changing it.

I can deal with a couple of dogs here and there, but a constant stream of multiple of them at a time in their current state got old REAL quick.

The real question though, is why in the hell global conditions last as long as they do. They should be on a daily rotation at the longest.

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Might be changing it.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

As with everything Fatshark, it’s not to be believed or accepted until it actually happens.


It’ll change. The question is when.

No more dogs !

New condition : Sniper fest !!

Can’t wait…

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Why only ever have one or two events on rotation? Why not all of them and add from there? That’s how you get variety.


I think it’s not too bad to sometimes have these “major events” or something (although I would like to see them have community challenges or something alongside with them), however I think that when they’re not ongoing the modifiers being all present but rare would be cool.

Mass snipers are less infuriating to deal with than mass dogs. Bring it on.

What amazes me is they couldn’t make the Gutter Runners work in a consistent manner in VT2 and they tried again with the dogs in DT