Power Blessings affecting DoT stacks

  1. i don’t care about individual players

  2. purgatus range is a joke in comparison to bb and ult.

  3. neither tic damage nor difficulty is visible in your video.

  4. it takes far longer to achieve that - it’s like 6 seconds vs 12.
    also the guy in the first video could have shot some completely unrelated enemies and still kill those maulers.

  5. 30 seconds? my bb goes off faster than that.

yeah, i’m not gonna continue.

/e did you even read my reply to your post?
this issue would also be fixed by not giving the auto pistol pinning fire blessing the same value as the bolter, as the stagger is very different. i’m not sure about other guns available to psyker though.

So I made another vid with proof of difficulty and healthbars showing versus those same enemies to make the comparison more direct. As you can see the timing and outcome is very much the same. Sure, there are pros and cons to either approach (I can explain them if you really want), but I’m just showing that the shredder is not ‘vastly superior’ to staff users, as you claimed. Imo it is just a neat trick, it doesn’t seem unbalanced or problematic, but does add a bit of interest to some builds and playstyles.

I did read your reply, I didn’t think it was worth replying to but I guess I can. Your initial bug report was that

Blessings that give the player a temporary power increase, like Pinning Fire, give this increase also to damage over time effects like Soulblaze and possibly any other source of damage.

and so I gave an example of a situation where that behavior is obviously intended.

I swear the almost infinite power of the Voidstrike staff is massively underrated. Best Hordeclear the game currently has. I regularly outpace Zealots, Veterans and Ogryns. One blast at a time, that easily kills +20 poxies in a single hit. Hahaha.

You know, it’s called a blessing, not simply an increase in the powder, right?
It does not need to be reasonable, otherwise the weapon should not increase damage.
The emperor blesses, bless your blade and bullets, and your psi energy!

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ok, that actually makes sense. thank you

hey meow, thanks for the vid.
those are indeed very quick kills, but the argument about the range stands.

also you are actively hitting those enemies with your short range weapon - that has a burn stat - for several seconds. this should do severe damage while having your Dot boosted that massively by shooting totally unrelated enemies is nothing but cheese.

if you do the same with a bolter and bleed nades on a vet, your damage tics go to 40 - this doesn’t matter - soulblaze with pinning fire goes up to 400.
the numbers are way off.

but i already said it: i wouldn’t be surprised if this was labelled as intended.

i think Flawless got it right: “Tbh for the auto pistol it might be better anyway if the blessings increased ranged damage instead of power.”

you didn’t reply to my answer again though, you just explained why you replied to the op again.
my answer to you was:

after some testing with the flamethrower, i must admit that the problem is not the general power increase, but numbers and the application via the auto pistol.

the zealot ult provides only 3 seconds of buff for a low-range flamer while the auto pistol can sustain the buff for DoT from high-range attacks for at least 15 seconds.
the description of the zealot ult still didn’t change though, it actually says ONE critical melee hit.

so the bug report in the op is faulty - it’s not a bug, just a balancing issue.
i think the buff would much better fit the ult of the psyker or an AoE staff attack, rather than a gun.

since soulblaze is the only application where this actually makes a real difference, it seems like an oversight to me.

thanks for participating in this thread.

So yeah, sure the downside of staff is that it is limited to 15m, there are several upsides though.

It is able to apply all that damage to a much larger area as it hits everything between you and 15m in a very wide arc if you sweep properly, whereas the bb only applies its stack in a 4m radius around the bb target. Given that melee elites need to be next to you to actually hurt you the staff is more effective in the meaningful range.

The staff is also applying stagger to everything it hits, which will hold them in place and works well even when they are attacking you, whereas bb’ing in melee range isn’t very safe. The stagger is also preventing them from attacking teammates, which is very beneficial.

That staff demo isn’t using the ult, and so it is possible to do the same thing again immediately and repeatedly. The shredder trick is using the ult to apply half of the stacks, which limits it to a once every ~30 seconds trick because of ult cooldown. Without the ult the only source of more soul blaze for the shredder is more bb, which will mean it falls behind the output of the staff very quickly. You’re probably thinking peril will limit it, but in practice that isn’t the case as the kills in an intense battle will be enough to let you do it indefinitely without ever needing the quell.

The staff doesn’t require any ammo, and so it is able to do that constantly throughout a series of long intense engagements, whereas the shredder eventually runs out of bullets. Indeed because the staff isn’t using the ammo it means those bullets are available to your teammates to help increase their ability to deal damage. Of course this only really matters on hi damnation because the reality is there is ample ammo in any other situation.

I’m not saying that the staff is better than the shredder trick, just that it most certainly isn’t outclassed by it in meaningful combat situations.

There are quite a few ways of using this mechanic in interesting ways, which this video covers pretty well. There are a few more uses not mentioned, like thrust boosting flamer ticks, or slaughterer boosting bleed or burn ticks, but you get the idea.

Re replying. You shifted the goalposts, which is a style of arguing that imo isn’t worth engaging in. You made a claim, I responded directly to it with an example of it being an obviously intended mechanic, then you said it was a bad example and changed what you were claiming.

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thank you for the contribution.

i admit, i did not think this through completely as you can see in the post above yours and thus my op was indeed faulty and my opinion has changed.

however, in my second post i wrote this:

my next post, still replying to the same person:

no, i was not talking to myself, but i am new to this forum.

so you quote me out of context and then state i shift the goalposts.
i am not saying it’s malicious intent, but it’s not fair either.

anyway, i don’t feel like further dwellin on this topic.
no offense and have a nice day.

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Not a bug, OP doesn’t understand how power works

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