Poll: Do you think the Itemization Update will Release on June 25th?

Odd options. No I don’t think it will release at the same time. But that doesn’t make it delayed, we had no fixed date for it to begin with. At least far as I remember they merely said that’s something they’re working on and were to push out some time after the penance update, later this year.

That said, there’s a chance they might push out at least some of it at the same time considering the new weapons in the June update.

Yeah as a dev (different branch & business, but still) I’ll add my voice to this pile. Depending on the size of the project there might easily be hundreds or more tickets, many of which might contain multiple different problems, at a given time. Tickets meaning documented problems / issues that need attention. Every project I’ve ever been in had at least some issues that went unresolved for years, even forever. Yet everyone is working full time, often overtime.

Development isn’t about fixing every single issue, otherwise you’d never get anything done. It’s about prioritization. Basically you deal with the most critical issues first while looking for the easy wins where even a little effort can fix problems with big consequences. But what’s important for a gamer is different from what’s important to a dev, for that upcoming new feature, for your manager’s career goals, company’s growth policies, or to whatever SLA’s you’ve signed with other 3:rd party vendors or clients etc. etc. So there’s always more work to be done than you have resources for, always, and there’s compromises everywhere.

With every release version there’s going to be countless known issues and problems they simply didn’t have time to fix until then. With every likelihood most all of the problems Fatshark (or any other dev) for example patches 1-2 weeks after the latest big content update, was stuff they already knew about and were working on before the update itself even got out. Only the most critical and often unexpected issues us players saw would usually make it to those first fixes.


I’ll just post this here because of the often held opinion that Fatshark isn’t communicating about expectations and update scheduling because “negative news are always bad” and they’re “damned if they do, damned if they don’t” so it’s reasonable for them to just stay quiet.

Turns out you can actually just communicate even bad news about patch schedules normally. Very little outrage about this. Steam reviews not being blasted. Community generally appreciates the info. “Truth changed” but people accept it. The notable difference is that Arrowhead communicates clearly, respectfully, and often.

Incase it’s not clear, that’s a big win for them because it means they have successfully tempered the community’s expectations and this adequately explains the change in update cadence. They benefit heavily from people not throwing old info at them 24/7, and players benefit from having info they don’t have to be skeptical about.

I hope that the upcoming dev blog will be even just remotely as clear as to their plans for the itemization patch in particular, and I hope Fatshark can adopt this method of communication in general. It would solve big chunks of Darktides PR/Communication problem.


I knew bi-weekly content updates was not a feasible thing longterm.

Good on them for making it clear.

I just thought it was an interesting question and wanted to see what people would think is going to happen.

IG that’s my fault as I read Strawhat’s comment as saying “intended to come out on the 25th, but it might be delayed.”

However that comment has already been analyzed to a microscopic degree in the orginal thread so that’s why I tried to steer away from that here lol.

I can get behind wanting to see community sentiment, that’s all fair and good. I just don’t see how that does anything but then again that was never the point.

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the most easy thing in the world is just to remove the locks on blessings and perks, and everyone would be happy.

So knowing the developing of this game, this will never happen.

Not everyone would be happy. Thats a proven fact.

HD2 is still young.

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Are you implying HD2 CMs didn’t get death threats?


every CM gets death threats, just like anyone moderating any forum gets death threats as it gets to a remotely meaningful population. they’re the common currency of losers online.

i have had so many death threats, and have never met one of the people sending them. you just have to accept they’re worthless and so are the threats they send.
i should apply to moderate a forum again, i kinda miss the threats.

Don’t care, they are working on it, it’s all that matters.

Not just online, I got death threats when I was working as a plumber, in person, by the person whose home I was in. More than once. If you can’t handle death threats in a customer facing position you’re in the wrong position. Not excusing death threats but it’s just reality even moreso if you’re the sole person to communicate with for hundreds of thousands of people


Prove it. Prove that death threats is why FS hasn’t communicated in the last 5+ years.


dude you musta sucked ass as a plumber.

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Probably but it was mostly pricing issues. I wasn’t responsible for that but I still was the guy to yell at. Not unlike CMs if you think about it


JTCLive made a video relatively recently (not 100% sure which exact one) but essentially:
FS used to communicate and promised things in a normal way back in 2017/18 when Winds of magic dropped and got obliterated for not delivering on their promises and ever since then they held themselves to “only communicate when 100% certain what can be delivered”

It can’t be proven that death threats were the cause for less communication as that was never the reason for reduced coms to begin with.


Still waiting on those screenshots my man


It’s also sort of silly to pretend that Fatshark hasn’t been getting death threats back in the war of the roses days. It’s just generally an unhinged thing to blame.


they aren’t shy about teasing major overhauls when they’re imminent (class overhaul, like 3 months of promo fluff). if they meant to blitz every bit of info about it in 3 weeks like they’ve now hinted I’ll have to see it to believe it. skulls caught them off guard somehow this year, like they couldn’t even make a video telling us about the changes they made like the previous year. when there were actually substantial improvements to the game vs when they were struggling to make list items. like saying they delivered crafting…several crafting themed updates to go, still, 17 months in.

Im willing to bet it gets delayed

I agree FatShark need to step up the communication significantly and Arrowhead is a perfect example of making it work.

On a side note, I really dislike the “truth changes” comment from Hedge. There’s a big difference between changing approach when a game HAS launched and what FatShark did. The problem with FatShark is they haven’t delivered on things they promised pre-launch - things which were in the sales pitch. People pre-ordered the game based on this. That’s just lying.