Shown above, for a lot of Steam games with social elements like Dota, you can glean a lot of information from glancing at your friends list. With this information, you can see whether they are currently in a game, approximately how far they are in the match, how many people are in their party, and so on, to make it easy for the user to organize a premade party. Vermintide desperately needs something like this. As is, the best we can do is to launch the game and see if we can connect to their session, or to message them directly. But for most people, they don’t feel it’s worth the effort to do this.
The following are info that I think are crucial: the player’s current map (including the keep), the size of their current party, and whether they are on official or modded realms. You could also provide the career that they are playing, but that’s secondary. Of course, for people who are concerned about privacy, it would be ideal for this feature to be togglable in their options.
Most Vermie players I’ve added to my friends throughout my time in the game, I’ve never actually had the fortune of playing with again very often precisely because of the lack of this feature. This is a social game after all, and streamlining the process for organizing parties helps build camaraderie by allowing us to play together more often, and I think this strengthening of the bond within the community can only help the game moving forward.
I would really appreciate this as well. The current function tells me how many friends players currently have in game with them. For me knowing if it’s modded or live would prove the most useful atm.
Hopefully, at the very least, the next sanctioned wave comes soon to approve the Discord Rich Presence and Steam Rich Presence mods. I haven’t tried them, but they look neat.
I know that I haven’t played with you since we added each other in the WoM beta, and I think I’m the first censored name there since that looks about the length of “scottzorz”. Sorry lol.
ya im offened … or am i ?,not sure keep flagging my posts maybe i will be,
i simply stated that what you posted made little sense i followed it by saying more features would be nice
ofc this quilifies as being offended this days…
you know in the real world people dont just have to agree with you
without you thinking they are offened i just have a diffrent pointofview
Would be nice if Fatshark could look into implementing these both. I’m suprised they never went for more integration, considering how well done the twitch mode is. Not that they couldn’t spice that up with more choices. And the option to turn off positive votes.
Both of those mods being added would be exactly what the OP is asking for.