Seriously. 1 of them can delete your character & they spawn in groups of 4.
They also have pinpoint laser accuracy, regardless of the animation *looking like they fire wildly.
They know to flank while 1 locks you down, so you can’t even stay in cover.
They don’t miss, no matter how you dodge or run.
They are the mob I hate the most in this game. Caught in the open; Dead. No ability to react or fire back.
Generally dodging and/or sliding into cover is enough to give you room to maneuver. I don’t find their offensive capabilities to be over the top in any way as far as accuracy and damage goes.
The only things I think need looking at is their turn radius as presently they will be looking one way and their gun will be firing 45 degrees to their side as they track after the player. This is obviously stupid and needs fixing. The other thing I find egregious is the recent uptick in the Scab Gunners stagger resistance. You can whack 'em in the head pretty significantly and they’ll just keep firing.
The biggest issue for me since the Havok patch is that gunners/shooters no longer consistently engage in melee anymore when you’re in their faces (same with reapers). The amount of times a gunner-shooter buddy still opening up on you when you’re bashing their heads in is hopefully not intended.
I’ve dodged and slit; They don’t miss. It’s just constant damage until all of me is in cover.
I JUST had a mission where a Gunner was shooting me while I was down, a bot picked me up, and I died in less than a second because the Gunner was still firing at me.
Sliding will make them miss. They can still hit you immediately after so there’s also that. And if you’re out of toughness, most ranged enemies can melt you very quickly on damnation.
They’re not 100% accurate at infinite range though. At long, and I do mean long, ranges they definitely miss more than they hit. I think there could be some debate as to how fast the accuracy should drop as distance increases but it’s not like they can’t miss at all currently.
Another thing I think should be implemented as far as both gunners go is some kind of reloading and/or cooldown mechanic. It’s a little absurd how they can just hose away for and indefinite amount of time. This would also add some more depth to how players are able to deal with them so it doesn’t just have to come down to a slide fest.
Yes the game design of put a wall between you or slide constantly is not actually fun or engaging when it comes to gunners. Neither is 40 of them in the same room, but whatever. They were actually a lot more fun to deal with when you could avoid them by strafing in a similar manner to Ratling Gunners, totally removing that was a garbage change for the worse. Especially with Reapers now being able to shoot out of their backs, like god damn at least fix the animations.
If you made the gun enemies less oppressive you could easily justify making the other enemies relevant. But they don’t, just crank in more specialists and 600 gunhands. The end result: mash mash melee and buttslide skill curve into infinity. Blocking is legitimately bad.
Don’t worry about the “skill bro” posts my man. CMs and devs are adult professionals who know how to filter out silly ad-homs that don’t add anything to the actual conversation (I’m optimistic IK).
I am surprised to see no one mention that if you sprint perpendicular to the source of gunfire, and you have stamina (Excluding that one zealot talent), it counts as dodging. Not viable in every case, but I found it useful on havoc whenever I’m caught out of cover.
Nothing there was condescending; it’s an objective fact and genuine advice on my part. The simple fact is that higher difficulties are, quite obviously, more difficult. There are multiple avenues through with to approach and handle gunners, up to and including on Havoc 40 or auric maelstroms. If you cannot do so with regularity on those difficulties, then you should play a difficulty where you can. That’s not me being condescending, that’s me pointing out that we have five difficulties and a large number of modifiers that exist quite literally with the sole purpose of accommodating players at every level of skill. I’m sorry if this offends you in some sense, but there is nothing in the game forcing you to play at a difficulty you don’t enjoy.
If your post was an attempt at feedback and not just venting about, uh, encountering four gunners at once, great; there’s an entire board for that on these forums. This, however, is posted in “General Discussion,” meaning that you’re going to get general discussions on your posts.
Except it’s not a difficulty thing.
Scab Gunners are hyper-accurate on every difficulty, vomit more lasers than the most kitted out laser boat in Mechwarrior, and perfectly track any and all movement.
Sure, they might spawn less at lower difficulties, but ‘Just don’t play Heresy+’ is not a fix. It’s a dismissal.
The game is full of all manner of jank, irregularities and nonsense similar to this. It is what it is and is likely here to stay. With enough skill you learn to maneuver around these things quite effortlessly the vast majority of the time. What he’s telling you is ultimately true.
No, these last batches of overblown gunner buffs are new. This is exactly where I’d throw my hat in with OP - make changes to the enemies that require thought and effort. Don’t just crank the turning, DPS, hitmass and reaction speed of gunners. That is the height of laziness, but seems to speak to their current mantra. ‘How can we make more hard without changing anything meaningfully’. Make elites faster in melee, make mobs more durable to cleave, give the gunhands actual AI and not hiding or aimbotting only with a handful swapping into melee mobs depending on distance - these are changes people actually ask for. Not tune the aimbots to aimbot you down faster, that is concentrated anti fun.
I don’t remember reading any of this in the change logs, though it’s possible I missed it. My current assumption is that it is some side effect of their new ability to move whilst firing and a case of poor QA and internal testing. I’m not saying it’s good or anything, but I don’t think it’s exactly massively debilitating to go up against. If you’re in possession of a firm grasp of the game, it shouldn’t be some existential threat. It’s a little bullshitty, I’ll give you that but that’s about it.
Err I adapt just fine. It is literally ‘avoid the missile troops altogether or butt slide loop’ which is anti gameplay. I think having a movement economy would make a lot more sense than punishing people for not only looping slide. My complaint is that it makes the game more of a chore to play considering how limited our options vs gun enemies are. I don’t really like how they play, its not fun.
But we’ve seen tons of changes to the missile enemies, which mostly lord over the entire horde game concept to where you do not engage with any enemies until dealing with them first. I would much rather have them as a relatively even scale of threat as the other enemies. Which would mean actual work and not making gunners shoot and aimbot faster, I know…you could totally try though, Fat Shark. Enough reworks in 2 years we could make the melee enemies not near catatonic in reaction speed.
I’m assuming you’re talking about Havoc of course. My view is that it’s fine… Even though it’s a bit artificial which I admit. That’s the entire point of Havoc mode is to be B.S. & hard as fk. It’s the end-game mode for try-hards that wanted the challenge & there it is. The mode forces you to actually play like a team. The thing I love most about Havoc is that the team decision making is a choice between life & death, that alone is pretty cool in my mind whether you love or hate this mode. That’s why you don’t play it stupid & walk out in the open it’s more a strategic kind of playstyle. I would say that if you’re going down to gunners in Havoc that’s a you problem, honestly & you’re playing carelessly. As long as you stick with the team, take cover, play it smart you should be fine. Personally, if you’re at least an above average player or have been playing for awhile you should be good to go. Been playing a ton of 40’s about at least 30 of them since launch & it’s never been too much of an issue for me. If you switch back to even harder Maelstorms the gunners are actually under-powered which is funny by comparison. People play too recklessly on Havoc, especially in pubs… You really need to be way more cautious of your surroundings is all. Some people just don’t get this & just dive right in there without a second thought in their minds, it’s stupid. All-in-all, it’s not a perfect mode obviously, but I can say that it really did bring the difficulty that they promised at least even if it is a bunch of B.S. You just have to master it & learn from your mistakes in order to improve your skills. This mode isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s centered around the more skilled players at the game who are more dedicated anyway. The playstyle of this is just definitely different from your typical games. I generally don’t complain… I just try to overcome obstacles with practice & determination.
Good lord, you little rage-goblin.
I NEVER mentioned Havoc. You just decided I was trying to take away your precious difficulty, and began frothing at the mouth, because ‘I can play Havok 40+! IT’S NOT FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUU! IT’S FOR ME! MEMEMEMEMEME!’ is your entire personality.
But go off, fam. I get that any discussion about game balance makes you feel personally attacked, since ‘I play hard gaemz!’ is literally all your one-dimensional personality has.
Just kindly go have your little freak out somewhere where I don’t have to see it. I can only roll my eyes so far.