Please let us see which specific careers are taken when joining games

Title. Would be a very nice QoL addition.

I think it’d be a nice QoL addition so that when I join other peoples games through either QP or the lobby browser and I can see which careers are used, I can choose another career to compliment the team’s capabilities or weaknesses ahead of time.

It’s a bit awkward when everyone’s competing with thp on kill, if there’s not enough stagger power or if everyone’s playing a thicc tank, you know, stuff like that.
So that I might know what to pick to be able to help or compensate the team ahead of time.


May I ask why?


Good suggestion. +1

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I think it’d be a nice QoL addition so that when I join other peoples games through either QP or the lobby browser and I can see which careers are used, I can choose another career to compliment the team’s capabilities or weaknesses ahead of time.

It’s a bit awkward when everyone’s competing with thp on kill, if there’s not enough stagger power or if everyone’s playing a thicc tank, you know, stuff like that.
So that I might know what to pick to be able to help or compensate the team ahead of time.

I’m guessing so that you can pick a career that matches the team. If the team is filled with huntsman, bh and pyromancer, he maybe want to pick IB over RV to better complement the team.


I guess I never really thought about it like that.

For QuickPlay, the whole point is to randomly jump into a game but maybe add the specific careers chosen in the lobby browser.

I only asked because Quality of Life improvements usually benefit everyone.

I would love for UI Improvements to actually be added in game by Fatshark instead of being completely reliant on the mods.

I don’t even know if the VMF crashes have been fixed.

You don’t realize how much you need certain mods until mods don’t work. I have only been using them for a short time.

EDIT: thank you for adding your reasoning behind your suggestion. It makes the suggestion more clear :smiley:

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