Please enable FSR2 on first boot!

I have seen you now have enabled FSR1 by default on first boot of the game. I really dont understand why, the game looks so damn ugly with it. I beg you for the games good and new player expierence, use FSR2 with the setting balanced instead. I know people have diffrent hardware. But on my i510600kf/gtx1070ti/16gigram/ssd, the game runs so well with this FSR2 balalenced setting and looks very good on mid settings. The bad anti aliasing of the FSR1/TAA combo is bearly endurable.

I just want the best for the game and the players out there. Please see for your self what a big difference it is. Please enable FSR2 balanced by deafult on first boot of the game, with the same popup you curently use for FSR1 in the launcher, i beg you :wink:

The Emperor protects

I look like you really made it. If so, I’m really grateful and the community is certainly too, even without knowing it xD