Please consider reverting Mourningstar to the version?

It was just before the floor scrubbers came to town, there was no colliders on the pillars. We could climb up the pillars and the cryonic cells, it was really uninvasive, and nice to be able to perch on while tweaking builds or chatting with friends/potential teammates. I kind of understand not being able to use VO, even though it was definitely more fun, but the mourningstar used to feel like a hub to meet people in, and now it just feels like an obstacle to pass through to start a mission or craft. I’m not sure why the colliders were added, it didn’t let you clip through anything, or go somewhere you shouldn’t, it was just nice to have a place to stop for a few other than the floor. It’s such a nothing change, but to some of us, it made another engaging aspect of your game. Please please please just help us build community and have a little fun between missions hanging out in your beautiful architecture?

Thank you for hearing me out, if you do. I realize it’s not asking for really much, but removing things from mourningstar throughout the updates just makes things less interesting, especially when it wasn’t really an issue, it was nice :confused:

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It often adds a minute to your load in. Hence I skip it with mods. It really doesn’t add anything in its current guise other than some fairly vanilla dialogue lines between the ships contingent.

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