Perpetual (Red) Weapons, and Stat and Lock Changes!

i dont understand this one?

its that many people dont like the randomness of the Crafting system.
and i did say that some randomness is good, SOME but too much can be,… TOO MUCH. :slight_smile:


It’s an injoke.
Fatshark has a very deep history of incorporating RNG systems in just about everything and whenever they do, their community tells them not to and to change it - Which Fatshark eventually ends up listening to somewhat, just to go back on it the very next game release (See VT1 → VT2 → Darktide itemization).

That should be enough context to understand. :smiley:


lots of good memories, and friends we made along the way. :wink:


would be amazing if we got red weapons for Xmas, a guy can hope right? :slight_smile:


everyone is talking about Red weapons as if its something every game has.
most games just have ( Gray > Green > Blue > Purple > Gold )

so where do there RED weapons come in?

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Vermintide 1 and 2


It’s mentioned because it was in their previous games. They always had perfect stats. A darktide equivalent would (presumably) be a 380 base with only T4 perks and blessings.

But they will likely do something with those bars being able to go past 80%. Maybe a 400 base weapon will end up being the max.


Mostly this


Added Poll to Topic Vote please!!!

Link it :slight_smile:

i don’t just want, “red weapons”, though. i want, like, “exotic”, weapons with unique blessings/abilities. the crafting does suck in this, but i’ve already got godrolls for most of the stuff i want(so far), and any ability to perfect them would just be very minor at this point. i want something more uniquely powerful to look forward to farming.

tbh, upgrade to the crafting at this point would be a godsend lol


i did :slight_smile:


You didn’t needed to bother as if even if all the forum user voted and the majority vote to add red weapon it will still be considered by FS as only a tiny vocal minority …

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we can hope though

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I don’t care if it costs 25000 plasteel, I just want a path. All I’m asking for is a guaranteed path.



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If you were not advocating for more plasteel costs, plasteel wouldn’t be a problem in the first place.

Currently this fundamentally goes against the design philosophy of weapons (nothing has over 380 base, stats cap at 80%). Do I think this should change? Yes, but I don’t think invalidating weapons people already have is the way to go about it.

No. No more RNG. No more gambling. We have had to put up with this enough. We deserve better than RNG. If they are going to rework or add new things, I want no RNG to be a part of it.

I stand firm in the belief that reds should happen, eventually, but not now. What we need now is a reworked crafting system. Until the crafting changes I fundamentally do not think reds should be introduced as anything more than items that spawn with 380 base, tier 4 perks, and 2 tier 4 blessings. They should, with the current crafting system, just be a weapon that spawns perfect.

If crafting changes then we can discuss making reds something more. If they increase the limit from 380 to a higher value then we can discuss higher stats. Locks need to go, no one less lock, all locks.



well if Red weapons were implemented as described here the cost would be lower in the long run.
as players wouldnt have to spend tens of thousands of Plasteel to get a good weapon,

Circular reasoning. I disagree with many of the proposed things here for reds so no, you are complaining about plasteel costs while advocating for increased plasteel costs and saying your “solution” with fix it. You are creating a problem to sell the solution.