[PC] - Vermintide 2 - Patch


Way too many nerfs in this patch.

Looks like Kruber is back to being useless. Capped damage plus skill nerfs? Seriously, Fatshark, stop nerfing everything. Just add a new harder difficulty already rather than making the game even worse for the non-hardcore players out there. Every patch since 1.0.5 has been a “what did they ruin this time?” experience. =/


Yes, I was using the 20% damage perk. With it equipped and not the 30% ult cooldown reduction and with no cooldown reduction on items, it has a 1 min and 30 sec cooldown. This is without hitting any mobs either, which also speeds up the cooldown. So yea, you’re right, his ult is never up now. top kek, this nerf was insane, kruber can’t possible still kill bosses in 5-8 seconds. Oh wait, he can?


You gotta be kidding me! Kruber took my green circles from me therefore we MUST nerf!! Nevermind that he could always do that if played well and has long been one of the most balanced careers in the game… Everyone should be forced to play melee only like me because I am not confident in my ability to hit anything with my potato aim. That was how this game was meant to be.

Very ambiguous patch. Don’t know how to really relate to it.

Yeah, the nerfs seems really needed, but they’re just over the top. Huntsman basically has no ult now - it’s too short for repositioning, also the slow, and damage bonus is now laughable. And without crits, he now has the lowest ammo regeneration among all ranged careers, tied with Bardin or even lower.

Yeah, Bardin. The Ranger nerf, when he finally became playable. Not cool, not cool at all.

On the other hand, there is a lot of great fixes. The best one is phantom swings. I just hope they’re really fixed this time, because this is not gonna be funny, if they get “fixed” for the second time already.

A lot of needed fixes for talents. Shade’s nerf feels needed, cause it allowed her to have unlimited ammo on melee career and have crazy ranged nuke. Other stuff not so important.

Summarizing, I think most nerfs were way over the top, but fixes are great. The only issue - are those fixes gonna work this time? Cause if not - this patch is gonna be just awful. Else it’s just meh - you trade some bad stuff for some good stuff.


Kerillian Shade’s Bloodfletcher (Talent level 15) doesn’t works.


Didn’t work or doesn’t work?

Just played a game with the hunstman, didn’t have any ammo issues. Again, he still hits very hard and his special can pump out more damage than any other ult in the game even with the nerf.

Anyone else noticing a massive amount of hook rats? I just had close to 20 of them in a single, quick run.

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That awkward feeling when you first know about abuse after seing patch notes where he was fixed. :grinning:

No, I am not one of those people, that think that HS is unplayable now - I think he’s still pretty decent. But there is a problem - his ranged weapon choice is now limited to Bow only. Everything else is just non-viable.

Problem #2 - he has no ult. It does nothing, period. It’s just 2 extra shots - that’s it. Oh, reload speed for other weapons - who cares about that? And playing characters without ults is no fun - look at Ranger, Mercenary, WHC. Do you think they don’t see play cause they’re weak? Partially yes, but mostly they’re just plain boring.

FS could have at least lowered cooldown to compensate, but they didn’t. Not like it would break boss damage, cause ults already overlap.

And ammo regen… it’s still there, but it’s lower than WS, BH and likely even Ranger (though Ranger ammo can get stolen). Though if you take 30% talent and use ults purely for resupply you might keep up with those guys, but do you wanna do that? I think no.

So overall HS is still playable, and I never said he is not, it’s just he’s just meh now. I better play WS, cause she can do all the same stuff and even more and has actual weapon choice. Or 1-shot crossbow BH for the same reasons.

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You can’t use ult for resupply anymore. Crit was removed from RV, HS and Shade ult.

But it doesn’t waste ammo still, does it? If yes, then I will just regain ammo with natural crits. It’s just that I have to use it on waves, because without guaranteed crits I can’t regain enough ammo on roaming.

Love the patch, much needed changes on the path to good balance. LOL @ all the people throwing tantrums in the comments without actually putting in some solid playtime to test the changes first. Looking forward to playing tonight, many thanks Fatshark!

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And here is @Flinlock, degrading @all the people, who dare criticizing devs, while looking down on them at the same time.

Watch your language, even if you disagree with someone!

This doesn’t seem to be the case for 2h Axe and Pick’s Push-Stabs are still only single target. It does work for 2h Hammer’s, however which aren’t mentioned in this capacity. Similarly, the lateral light attacks of 2h Axe also cleave now, huzzah!

Warrior’s Drekmakaz still suffers from the same issue, reported back in beta.

Using the talent, “making it look easy” is a very good way to keep your ammo up. 25% crit increase, and stack crit on your weapons and items. I’m having no issues with ammo.

As for his ult, with the “I’m coming for ya” and “make 'em bleed”. You will hit the damage cap with lucky crits. And with a potion, you will still be doing that insane pre patch damage. As for not taking the 30% cool down talent at lvl 25 and going for the power increase instead. Even with no cool-down reduction on your items, picking off loan rats and hitting groups of 2-3 is enough to get your ult back in 48.63 seconds(Yes, I timed it with a stopwatch). I can only imagine that firing your longbow into a horde streaming at you will have your special back in no time.

Also, again, I’m not sure if I’m getting unlucky, but the amount of specials seems to be out of wack? Is anyone else having this problem? There is almost waves of hookrats and flamethrowers/gatling guns.

Not what I said:

(emphasis added)

Feel free to read my language more thoroughly next time.

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This is becoming anecdotal.

the patch broken definitely the game, now I cannot even access.

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not sure what game youre playing but my kruber is level 80 and almost all of it on huntsman. He is not even able to reach damage he was capable of like 3-4 patches ago.

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