Patch #4 - Blessings of the Omnissiah

@freqlectic what are you even saying? It’s like you ignored everything I said and you’re not even replying to me.

  • I described the RNG shop as “mostly bad nowadays”, by which I meant it isn’t a significant, important source of input items. Your response was to call the app “needed” immediately after I explained why it wasn’t needed, which is why I’m saying it feels like you’re just ignoring me (and the reality I’m describing).
  • That said, the RNG shop still remains a good source of 360+ items if you’re not picky about type. For example in this random hour there are seven 360+ items across my five characters and that’s about average nowadays due to them increasing the average attributes of RNG shop items.
  • What “extreme luck”? I’ve never spent more than ~5 mins rolling perks, and it’s exactly 75 seconds for me to login (from desktop) and have bought whatever items in the shop interested me, so I was being overly generous with the high-end values to each of those.
  • You literally say in your post that you think it’ll take 5 minutes to deconstruct 29 items (items which take about 4 seconds each, if we’re generous. Meaning: the current system unexpectedly scrolls the weapon list making it disorienting and reorienting yourself accounts for 3 of the 4 total seconds I’m budgeting towards deconstructing an item. Well that’s 2.5 minutes).
  • You’ve ignored the fact that those dockets represent mission time. You didn’t magically get them free, they represent the fact that you had to play missions significant time to earn them.

Why are you so eager to ignore reality and invent a fiction here? If you hate the game, don’t lie about it just leave. If you’d prefer to be rational, just stay and be honest about the actual times involved with things.

It’s like you want to pretend everyone has infinite resources and spends literally 100% of their time crafting, when the reality is that basically all resources all players have are the results of playing the game, and that time counts towards the overall ratio.

The problem is your criticism is so irrational it deserves to be ignored, which means the by using hyperbole, you’re actually missing out on getting key things fixed that would actually improve the system. For example we can easily imagine a system where you bulk-buy multiple Greys, and it shows you each one (and you can mouseover for attribute info) in a grouped dialog afterwards where you can toggle on/off various items to “favorite” or to bulk sell. Well that sounds like a fantastic addition and it’s a very specific criticism (with a suggestion) of a very specific actual problem with the current implementation. Do you see how I didn’t have to lie and say it takes 20 years to sell 20 items in order to make that criticism?

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