Does this mean a bot has got a 100% chance of completing a res during the final phase? Or does the bot still get flung about?
Because this might encourage the weakest player to get kicked prior to the end-boss, or players running 3 man+1bot to increase the chance of survival/res-ing at the end.
I had hoped for a little more subtle tweaks to the end event phase 3 for Nurgloth. Removed Knockback OR Removed floor damage get my vote but still. Someone will come along and tell me how they can complete it blindfold tied in a sack with a broken finger so it’s fine I guess?
Last night I beat the event on solo cataclysm, after amputating my hands and running the game on a literal potato. Git Gud before posting such absurdities on these forums please.
No bot is going to hard carry during phase 3 of that fight.
It’s not the tweak I was hoping for, either, but if you’re solo running or not in a full group than this just means your bots aren’t going to unceremoniously die during phase 2.
It’ll be dead long before the third phase though. No way a bot is more worth there than a player, especially since bots can’t pick up players that spawned back in after they died.
Nope, it’s an objective fact… since it’s enough to be hit one time by his scythes (even if you block the attack) and you can die. Enemies can track and hit us even while we are “flying” (when we can’t do nothing to defend ourself). We can be launched into orange zones during the explosion (so none way to avoid the damage).
To be fair: broken/unfair/unbalanced indeed does not mean unbeatable. That is fact.
However, likeliness is a whole other category.
I don’t know how many Cata pubs you’ve had in Enchanter’s Lair but I’ve seen maybe 1 in all my time looking for one and no one ever joins mine. I’d like to know your play hours so I can get into some of these groups that not only exist but can actually succeed.