Opinion on desired future content

Hello again,

just wanted to post a chronological ranking on what I personally would like to see in terms of new content going forward. Rank 1 being what I would like to see sooner rather later(admittedly though, I am not totally sure). It’s mostly about addressing repetition and creating variety

1: New Maps
I would like to see new maps first because, to me, this is where repetition is most keenly felt. Particularly when one is having to play on a map multiple times a gaming session.

2: New enemy types
I think this is perhaps the best way to create variety. More enemies that present different challenges (to me, it doesn’t have to be wildly different) and more combinations would go a long way to keeping game-play fresh.

3: New Weapons
Same reason as new enemy types. Particularly I think for the Ogryn and Psyker (more space wizard things please!). Provided new weapons are decently balanced (does not have to be perfect at first)

4: New Sub Classes
I put this one last because I imagine a lot of development time has to go into this and I would very much rather Fatshark takes the time needed and release a new subclass when it’s ready. Also because in my opinion the impact, in terms of repetition, of there being only four classes in the game right now is not as stark as ranks 1-3.

As a side note, I also want to say I really appreciate the improvement to the store where one can purchase one item in an outfit bundle rather to having buy the whole bundle. Having to spend significantly more for multiple items even though you just want the helmet etc. was pretty annoying.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.

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A note on new enemy types. It should be the same as vermintide. Never add new disablers but new basic and elite and boss enemies are always good.

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Most anticipating to see Chaos Spawn from Teaser.

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I’m probably going to be alone on this, but personally I’d really want to see more earnable cosmetics. Give a reason to play that isn’t obnoxious or toxic penance.


First and foremost new maps and new areas. Would be nice to have much more variety as what’s currently there isn’t much and hopefully there is more objective variety beyond “press the button to do the thing or carry the power cell”.

More weapons would be nice. Both new marks on current weapons but also brand new ones like the melta gun or others for more variety.

I would like a new subclass (maybe an assassin / scum rogue type) which focuses on single handed weapons as well as assassin skills. Tho if they do add new subclasses i hope they come to their sense and remove resource siloing, im not looking forward to having to level more characters completely from scratch with no resources of their own.

More maps and objective variety would be great.

More enemy types such as lesser demons like Nurglings would be good, it would also be good if certain special missions set us against an enemy set based on one of the other chaos gods.

New weapon types (Such as hellguns and metlaguns) and new weapon models (Such as new Lasgun would be nice.

New subclasses would be interesting and given how the main classes are named they are definitely intended to come. I have agreed with Rocker_Fox that we shouldn’t have to grind separate resources for each subclass. It would also be nice if a Skitarii: Hyspasist class with access to appropriate Skitarii weapon is added.

In front of all of that i want to see just one new rogue like mode, where u jump from mission to mission which all have some unique modifiers with a team with different random weapons and perks. And some unique reward in the end. Such an endless cycle of fun :slight_smile:

that actually is a Mutant …
In game they did not get the tentacles but two arms …

Chaos Spawn by GW

I’d love to see a new map - perhaps some uphive and perhaps that would suit quite fine with new enemies which are Slaanesh-based.
But first and foremost I want to explore more of Hive Tertium. and perhaps some rotten forest area in a uphive recreation area or a agrar sector
And perhaps your might even get between enemy lines :smiley:

A chaos waste style option would be great but probably fools hope before next year.

New map and new gameplay ideas would be great, maybe things to break, a turret to use while the other protect you, some hacking requiring two players moving the dots instead of one…
Also maybe some more cinématic elements, I feel like for a 40k game and compared to Vtide, the current missions really lake of big explosions. Have us trigger an artillerie barrage, blow up a demolition charge that we have to move through part of the map as a pick up element etc

This would help the missions to feel new and the setting to become more dramatic.

maybe some nurgle psykers and demons

New areas and with 2/3 missions from the start (+ new mission types)
Like a Chem Garden/Forest, a Frozen Hab Block
And a Dreg Lord assassination

I think the 1st year should be about fleshing out the Scab and the Dreg, like introducing Plaguebearer as High Elites (Ogryn level), a Dreg Lord (Preferably a Caster), the Chaos Spawn for the Scab.

And after that, have a 3rd faction come out with a new reskinned roster (For the normal units) but with a twist/faction scheme. Like a Khornate Cult that lack most ranged capacities (So no Shooter and Gunners, but still have Stalkers) but who comsensate with Shielded troops and better armoured Melee fighters

On that I would disagree, we should get more/different disablers, like enemy Psykers and Sorcerers

No the Mutant is something else, that’s a Spawn that was adapted from VT2

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I really think Fatshark needs a Quality control on what content is released prioritising ‘game’ elements such as UI features, grind, endgame, mission selection, social, strategy, class-synergy, things that games need to gather a community… I really hope this game gets some flavour from Necromunda as I can only see us getting hyped for more spawn of chaos only to be disappointed (like in V2)… I think if some dlc gangs of necromunda introduced 4 new classes, 2 new maps/events/scenerio and story we’d have the story arcs this game lacks atm… I wouldnt be upset if you could play a gang of heroes on the current maps with different feats/synergys flavoured by gang-wars… chance would be a fine thing