I wouldn’t mind them adding it back in the future, they seem to be working on stability/bugs atm which is fine with me but if they can internally test this a little on the second balance round once the game is stable it’d be cool.
I don’t share the sentiment of wanting a more melee focused sienna career and it may be terrible to balance but I know a lot of folks do have that class fantasy and I personally don’t mind seeing it.
Counter proposal, how would you feel if a talent removed vent-on-block and turned it into the venting rune? It’d mean sacrificing some defense for full offense but at least you wouldn’t be front-loaded with a trillion ways to vent which would make for a monster to balance.
It’d also massively increase choice and diversity in terms of seeing a defensive, offensive or mixed tactics sienna unchained.
I would 100% select that trait. It could replace Backblast at lvl 5 (50% bigger push radius) as no one I know uses that.
Talents & traits should give options - you should choose your talents and your traits to suit your playstyle. A new trait is the better idea because it doesn’t remove options but adds one more.
If people argued other classes would need it (I don’t feel Pyro needs it) but a battle wizard could have a talent exactly like the old venting rune that only works when tranquil is on cooldown would be cool. 10-20% chance to vent some heat while tranquility is up/down
I can see it working, I think with all the classes it may just make it hard to balance and some need it more than others, class x may have it be op, class y may suddenly say it’s vital to be playable, then nobody wants it gone but it has caught abuse cases and needs to be nerfed into the ground; basically what level is manageable to implement has to be kept in mind too!
Unchained doesn’t need a new way to vent. With a build to cut down your cool down period I can use living bomb to vent when needed. Also, if you stand in front if a trolls swing and block it - Getting walloped into the distance - it clears 90% of vent. I think it might be something for the future to have class-specific traits for all careers but having something like earthing rune isn’t needed.