Only scripture mission right now is Hab Dreyko

Only scripture mission right now is Hab Dreyko. Not a fun mission.
Guess I’m logging off for a little while and doing something else.

Anyone else feel like not being able to choose our own missions/difficulties is a drawback?

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It definitely is, there are tons of posts about it with the most recent one being this one

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That’s a really good post. I’m glad you linked it.
This guy needs to figure out how the search works.

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Well it’s been about an hour. Gonna hop back in and see if anything fun is up which will allow me to attempt to grab scriptures.

EDIT: Hey! There’s one mission but it’s not Hab Dreyko! And it’s a Malice difficulty mission so it should be fun. It’s endless horde mode, so that’s lame, but Praise the Emperor!

EDIT 2: Nope. It sucked. Way too many specials, Ogryns, and Ragers. We sucked. We lost. Can’t retry it because it expired. If I had asked for Endless Horde mode then I would say I got what I deserved, but there was no choice in the matter. It was the only mission with scriptures in it. I don’t want to play Endless Horde mode.
There are no scripture missions available right now so I’ll be logging off again for a while.