For those who dont know the On Overwatch penance is no melee damage for a full mission. I’m not complaining or denying the fact my issue with it is based in skill issue. It’s a good show of skill and I’m not the type to get something like this first try.
My issue with it is most peoples solution is either of these,
A: Get a full team who will let you die at the beginning and watch the whole match, revive you at the end for completion.
B: Now outdated but still recommended in older YouTube videos, task manager stop your game, shut off your pc, things like that.
C: Try low intensity Malice runs (or just normal Malice) which seems reasonable, but I’m just going to leave if I get hit by melee, which is annoying for my team which may be relying on me, and annoying for me and the 2-3 minutes long loading screen
Again, I know it’s a skill issue and I accept that. Just consider that it’s an oddly designed penance, especially with point C which is I think the most reasonable way to go at this penance but still reinforces irritating behavior.