Ogryn's Changes

I like that you included "freaky behaviour " in your quote.

That’s what pretty much everybody is thinking, and it makes sense.

I guess they also want that node to be more in line with Gunlugger Tree, like, it’s wierd that this last horizontal line is: Damage, Toughness, Toughness
So they want to change it to: Damage, Toughness, Suppression
But Suppression kinda sucks :pensive:
(I am not talking about the mechanic itself, by the way)

They should change these two, just so the choice would kinda be there
(Come on, nobody will even think to take +25% suppression in any build)
Because +5% ranged damage is so much better than any amount of suppression(Ogryn is already suppresses like hell), and it will make sense for shooty Ogryn

Honestly, going full on TDR and toughness on a hybrid/melee Ogryn makes you basically invincible in my experience (and I’m still below level 100 on it), so I guess it’s now the 3rd round of trying to make it less ridiculous.


Ye, I don’t think that anybody disagrees with that sentiment, it’s just that it’s unexpected.
I sometimes just stand and look at the gunner who can’t break my toughness even with his life on the table
I guess it’s deserved that we get no more free TDR :pensive:

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Yeah, unless you get stuck in meat and get disabled, even a “surprise” overhead isn’t an issue. You need some serious HP attrition or maybe…a really bad luck with a sneaky gunner execution squad :joy:

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Not even that. I managed to ress someone with 3 gunners shooting at me basically point blank. (3x gunner resistance of course)

Only thing that gets me are trappers when I can’t dodge/dodge into something due to a straggler or a very tight area. Oh and the occasional chaos spawn dropping you through the floor thing which can still happen for some reason.

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Yeah disablers are the main reasons of people going down, especially with audio cues just not being there from time to time. I wont even go into netters shooting through hordes of thic ogryn boys, around corners, through few object types or dogs deciding they are skipping the pounce animation and just humping you from full sprint. All that stuff is funny, until it isn’t.

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