Ogryn talent tree is extremely outdated and choices feel weak

Are you guys memeing or something?

Ogryn is easily the strongest class in the game, takes little to no dmg while bonking his way thru anything, facetanking monsters while beating em to a pulp.

Literally the only weakness he has is being big, so getting netted is gonna be nigh impossible to avoid from time to time. Remember boiz, free your friendly Ogryn, so he can keep ragdolling bad guys!


Crunch definitely needs to be reworked. If it worked like thrust ill take it, but fully charging ogryn n weapon is just awful - by the time im actually attacking, my friends already kill the enemies. LB may need to get reviewed for all weapons. Even on the stubber its mathematically really shite, never mind the rumbler or kickback.

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Chiming in to say knockdown is good. Some valid issues have been raised, but I reckon the pros outweigh the cons.

Ripper gun hit sends maniacs FLYING – check the elite kill logs for kill confirmation or ping enemies for maximum visibility (I do both when I can). Good for instant gratification when you’re getting flamed or sniped, and if you’re used to it then shooting downed enemies is fine. Mk. V does an OK job at range, if you can manage the recoil.

Ripper gun bonus: The stab special can stagger Crushers out of overheads. Combine with Can Opener for maximum effect!

Punch, slap, or push ragers/maulers to stagger them out of their dangerous attacks. Sure dead guys can’t attack but it’s very fast and easy to knock 'em round a bit when you’re Ogryn-sized.

Push/knockback effects can have a multiplying effect on other AoE attacks – someone somewhere said “altering horde geometry” and they were dead-on.

Finally, sending baddies flying onto their asses is hilarious – good value imo.

Would it be broken if Crunch guaranteed a crit?

Just thinking in terms of more interesting build options and more flavour than just extra damage.

No because it still wont change the fact that 1)ogryn melee has crap finesse 2)fully charging is far too slow to be useful.

I’m still learning the game and ogryn is my last char to try. I tried building into ranged with fast reloads for the kickback and I have a lot of fun with it. The sound is amazing.
Not sure what to pick as melee weapon though.

Yea crunch sucks and it has to be on FS’s radar on a rework.

I want to like it, too. I love the heavy hitting stagger my Ogryn does. I even like Thrust. Crunch is just that useless lol

I want to like the Ogryn’s heavy attack-focused style. I want him to feel slow - even clumsy - in return for dishing out attacks with massive cleave and damage. I want to like Crunch.

Problem is that Fatshark feels torn with him. They seem to want him to be slow and clumsy, but it’s nothing that makes him any less reliant on dodging and sliding than the other classes. Likewise, the heavy attack damage he dishes out is substantial, but the artificial limits on cleave seem to undermine the intended impact of his attacks. They kinda just don’t go far enough in either direction and just made him a little slower (but not substantially slower) and a little more damaging (but not substantially more damaging) on his heavy attacks. The result is a bit bland and only his ranged weapons feel truly distinct.

Overall, Crunch might be an ok talent if it also confers a 100% cleave boost or something and ignores armor hit mass, allowing the Ogryn to stagger multiple Crushers/Maulers IF he manages to dodge several incoming overheads and pulls off a fully charged heavy attack.

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There is a blessing on the knives that does exactly what you say about unlimited cleaving. Its poopoo because the attacks are still slow as balls and it doesnt actually improve your cleave damage.

Crunch sucks balls. I’m convinced Ogryn is the most OP class now though.

I was able to complete an auric (high int vent) last night on him at lvl 25 with lvl 20 weapons. I wouldn’t even try that on a lvl 25 zealot lol

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I know, I use it on my favorite mk VI knife:

The blessing makes it possible to cleave through shields and multiple Crushers. I like using it on Auric Maelstrom missions where there are masses of enemy Ogryns, Maulers and Armored Berserkers.

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