Ogryn - Heavy Hitter Not Procing

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

When I use just a standard Ogryn Heavy Hitter build sometimes it doesn’t proc on heavy hits with any weapon. This has been going on lately & it’s annoying. Not sure why that is? Maybe bugged with certain blessing or Mods? No clue. Has anybody else had this particular issue?

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Like, 25% of the time it does this with most weapons. It’s not super common, but it raises questions. It’s just really annoying. My other blessings proc, but not Heavy Hitter, odd.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Unusual (<25%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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When you say it “doesn’t proc”, does the buff icon not trigger, or is it there and not increasing/refreshing the buff?

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Yes, the actual Icon itself doesn’t trigger like show up with the other buffs. Like, no stacks at all of HH. It’s not often, but it does happen, I’ve only noticed this because I look at the buffs below more often now because I’m paranoid about it. For example… I’m using the Karsolas w/ Slaughterer & Headtaker & they show up no problem, but HH doesn’t. That’s why I was confused about it. Not sure what’s going on.

In that case, you’re still getting the buffs, it’s just that the game sometimes fails to show buffs that you get in the buff bar. This has been an issue for several months.

Ohh, Interesting… Thanks. I literally thought I was going insane. But I’m glad that I’m not the only one.

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I noticed this since I started playing the game in May ('24). I only notice it on Heavy Hitter and it’s one of the more important ones to know.

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