Ogryn doesn't feel up to par with other classes

What’s more, funnily enough almost all of Ogryns tank talents are broken and don’t affect the stat they’re meant to affect:

I think Ogryn would be a lot different if all those toughness replenishment talents actually affected toughness replenishment like they were meant to. It would mean

  1. Ogryn is now very very tanky on par if not better than a current shout vet (makes sense given the Ogryns role) due to something like 125% increased toughness replenishment
  2. Ogryn now actually leans into the CC tank role that makes most of his weapons feel weak because now you can actually just get stuck in and keep bashing and play far more aggressively to leverage it
  3. Ogryn now actually has a sort of relevant team aura. 25% toughness replenishment isn’t anything to scoff at

And if none of this makes sense to you, remember that “toughness replenishment” as a stat affects all talents. Or is meant to anyway. The Ogryn talents instead give coherency regen speed, which doesn’t enable while you’re meleeing.

Unfortunately it seems that this is one of these things that are just sort of official now since they already nerfed Ogryn toughness gen so they clearly don’t actually want to go the route that was originally envisioned for the middle tank tree. Which is also backed up by how Ogryn is getting killy, high damage weapons like other classes now. It’s just that 90% of his stuff still sucks since it was made with the old design in mind, without the strengths of the old design intention.

It’s almost like nobody at Fatshark really understands where they were going with Ogryn, and where they’re going now, so he’s just kind of stuck with all of the drawbacks and he’s still not even as tanky as a vet to compensate. (Who by the way never gets nerfed. Imagine if they addressed how blatantly OP shout is lol)