Obscurus Force Sword attack timings

The Light 3 (the stab) must have been changed in one of the latest patches ; the attack timing seems off to me. I used the Obscurus mostly in 2022 and first half of 2023, before the other swords came out.
But now, after throwing out Light 3, I often find myself clicking too early and the next attack doesn’t come out.

In order to do the old horde-clear optimal combo (Light 1-> Heavy1 → Light 3 → repeat), these days I block cancel instead after the Heavy1 to bypass Light 3 because it throws off my combo too often.

This is clunky and I think Light 3 doesn’t need such long endlag.

Obscurus needs a full redesign as a weapon. Post removal of the force sword infinite dodge, nothing was done to improve its terrible mobility. Its attack combos make little sense. Its special attack should work differently all together. If I remember correctly it also has some broken attack transitions when pushing?


this weapon does need a rework, but another huge nerf its living with atm is how the crushers ignore the push attack during overheads. this move literally does nothing but stagger an enemy, and the turbo buffed Deimos H2 still throws crushers on the ground during overheads, but this move got nerfed.

It could also be fixed to work when you’re using it on enemies that are aggro’d on other players like dogs, pox bursters and ragers, but that might be asking the moon here.

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