"New" skins kruber/bardin/victor

New Victor Saltzpyre skins

Reikwald Hat: Get 250 Wins with Victor Saltzpyre
Equipable: witch hunter, bounty hunter, zealot

Vermillion tidings: purchase with 2200 shillings
Equipable: witch hunter

Cult of sigmar: buy with 780 shillings
Equipping: zealot

Purifying light: buy with 620 shillings
Equipable: witch hunter
(Change helmet color: from brown to black)

Clay pipe hat: buy with 450 shillings
Equipable: witch hunter
(Change Color to black and pipe to gold)

crown of purity: (Xbox console/ playstation) Paid in Store. (opportunity for console players)

The tests: ONLY for those who already owned the vermintide end times (ultimate edition helmets), or Paid in Store.
Equipable: witch hunter
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Bring to the game the skin: “estalian leather coat”

Change to change helmets In the “vermintide end times” skins.

New bardin goreksson skins

Bakraz: purchase with 950 shillings
Equip: Iron Breaker

Ziflin ghalklad: buy with 750 shillings
Equip: Iron Breaker

Grimazul dal: buy with 450 shillings
Equip: Iron Breaker

Drakk guruz: purchase with 1850 shillings
Equipable: Veteran Ranger

Galar konk: purchase with 150 shillings
Equipable: Veteran Ranger

Gromthi rhinn: Achieve 250 Victories with bardin goreksson
Equipable: Veteran Ranger, Iron Breaker, Engineer
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Bring the “Studded leather” skin into the game

Change to change the helmets In the skins of the “vermintide end times”

New skin Markus kruber

(Both could choose kruber v1/v2 beard)

Black guard: buy with 900 shillings
Equipping: knight

Death’s head: purchasable with 1500 shillings
Equipping: hunter

Wurzen outrider: achievement with 400 wins with kruber all careers.
Equipable: mercenary/ knight

Talabheim Cavalier: purchase with 400 shillings
Equipping: mercenary

Ironside helmet: buy with 1800 shillings
Equipping: knight

Löwenhelm: (the difference between this helmet and the one that already exists in the game would be Kruber’s beard) buys with 920 shillings (once you have one, the value of the other is reduced to 100 shillings)
Equipping: knight
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Bring to the game the skin: “carroburg livery” (end times)

Change to change the Helmets of the “end times” skins.

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I hope more silver and paid skins will be released. That’s a really good idea. I would like you to know that I am willing to purchase more skins from Patshark. Especially, I hope there will be more additional cosmetics for additional jobs. After I came across the Warhammer series, I was amazed to see so many kinds of Bretonian knights.

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