New hab dreyko hadron :(

please make it possible that hadron can direct hab dreyko again please… the new scan dialogues are very annoying (kruber and machine seer) i miss hadron screaming DONT LOSE MY SERVO SKULL… the space in the end event is also wayyyy to small now… it was already small enough with the bridge being connected and the room being open… also the frames exclusiveness is gone with 2 other missions that can be played for it now and u only have to play it 100 times intead of 250… wasn’t the update supposed to show deeds ? feels bad after playing 250 hab drayko missions and 250 scan missions to get 2 frames that are like given out for free now


I like hadron too so I wouldn’t mind her coming back but I absolutely LOVE the enginseer voiceover on this mission now. The way he talks about the skull and gets lost in thought and spaces out is too funny. Extremely good writing and VA, by far the best in the entire game for both.


it used to be hadron only… now 3 others can direct it but no more hadron… i just ask to add her as 4th possible director again, she doesn’t have to replace the seer even though i think he is super annoying…


The new event is different, and I like the art style of the set, BUT I have grown to despise how small the area is and how the terrain gets you stuck and prevents your dodges. This is a massive “no, no” in Tide games. Any surface clutter should not prevent your movement.


i think the original idea behind this was stretching the mission time because it could be done in 7-8 min while most others all take 10min… but blocking the room by the revive point and kicking hadron was a bad idea :confused:

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Some friends and I had a match yesterday that had a dude named Kayex or something … wow he was super irritating.
If I were with a PUG I would have left.

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