New Enemies and Dicussion on Meta and Mechanics

Yeah I just read that too and I’m kind of thrilled that they will implement some of the stuff I rambled about here (like Buffs, ranged enemies and chargers)

Sure no one wants that. My suggestion was that we might have changing specials on a rotation so that we don’t have all the specials all the time. Like one Month we have all ranged specials with no disablers and the next we might have AOE’s but no ranged specials and so on and so forth. This way you always need to adapt your strategy and your playstyle accordingly and also giving you more reasons to switch up careers and Loadouts. Playing against a ton of rattling gunners, flamers and other ranged units? Grab a shield. Playing against a lot of disablers and AOE’s? Maybe try a more agile class. This would allow players to justify picking weapons or careers that are currently just not as good and for which you dont have a real reason to play right now, like the afforementioned shields and such.

Yeah sure I didn’t say you can’t. I mained Huntsmen with a sword and shield set up and had a blast playing so you definitly can. However I still find that I run into way more Zealots, Shades and Ironbreakers than any other class and that is kind of sad.

Also I dont think of Meta as just the balance of characters- that was the main point of my original post- I think all the balancing of careers is kind of pointless if the enemies dont get switched up from time to time. I kind of think of it this way: How good a particular career is always depends on a situation, f.e. an ironbreaker with the flamethrowerthingy is great against hordes but horrible against certain specials and elites. You can balance the careers all you want this won’t (or shouldnt change). So the only thing that really would impact “the meta” would be new encounters/ situations or, as i put it, new enemy types. The reason why f.e. Zealot is so strong is that there is no real situation in which his skills are bad- there is no counter to it. So maybe instead of nerfing Zealot maybe introduce specials that ignore your temp health which would make playing Zealot much more risky.

i like how shaman will work but others are meh,
disabler are too typical and could be pretty game breaking even now.
shaman however were quite impress, killing leader is the most efficiency way to break down the army.
but as its rpg-game might be interesting if there’re certain units that heals / buff allies.
thus +1.

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