Negative bonus toughness regeneration speed

Issue Description:

Hello, I don’t know if it’s a bug or if it’s normal. I upgraded a curio on the crafting table and the new bonus is an " - 15% toughness regeneration speed" .
To my understanding this means my toughness will be regenerate 15% slower. So it’s not a bonus but a malus.
If it’s not a bug it’s very disappointing for me to spend material to gain a malus… a useless or very low bonus, that’s the game, I can understand, but now I wasted material and my curio for less than nothing.

Steps to Reproduce:
Upgrade a curio on crafting table

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Mourningstar Hub


(sreenshot this afternoon).

Thanks in advance for your answers

Could you tell me your steam id or your steam profile?

Could you please provide a consolelog of the session where this happened? You may find the appropriate console log by doing the following:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names
  5. Upload here

oh, I had crafted this curio yesterday or maybe wednesday and I didn’t noted hour when this case happened… I have 3 differents log on these date (1 for 30th november and 2 for 1st december). I put these log enterely here or you have clue for me to find the right lines in the right log ?

With no answer, and in order to move forward, I’m putting the 3 logs here. If there is a way to be more precise please tell me (I tried to do it again today by updating a curio to find similar lines by noting the time in the log, but I can’t find relevant lines…).

console-2022-11-30-18.07.02-c1210c38-e2f7-4130-9da6-81dd8adc1e57.log (799.1 KB)
console-2022-11-30-22.02.17-44e6959e-a4b0-430b-bb9d-5a8466aca8dc.log (374.9 KB)
console-2022-12-01-19.47.56-01b78197-9965-41eb-82a1-ab6a6e97ecaf.log (704.9 KB)

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Should be one of the two that has a timestamp for November 30. That’s good enough, ty!

I have a similar Curio with -X% toughness regen speed. I assumed it’s just a typo, but if it isn’t, that’s balls.