Need to seriously consider nerfing flamer

I play mainly a zealot… and I support this statement. The ult of the zealot needs to not increase damages of ranged weapons.

Again, the problem of the flamer is that it can kill nearly everything, pretty fast, has a low reload time and has a good range…
Something needs to be nerfed here…
And yes, I have seen that the flamer has a weak point… the fact it cannot permit to kill enemies that are faraway. But, the strong points make it a too good weapon.

I totally agree… for the flamer… even if for Bolter / revolver-shotgun, I would invert values. I really think that it is totally stupid to see that with bolter (caliber .75 - 28mm) has twice the ammo of a revolver (caliber .45 - 11.43mm) or more than a shotgun ( 18,5mm).
In other words, revolver needs 2 - 3 times the ammo of the bolter, and shotgun twice…