Need different map and objectives

Actual map are great but many look similar and mission are very similar too : activate something and hold position, reactivate dat thing again, and again…
Plz, we need new map in area no see before like highway, rich quarter, on the hivecity top with space sky, etc… And we absolutly need new objectif like excorting npc, rescuing civils, speerunning mission with limited time, etc…
Emperor protect

Well, not sure how much fresh air it will drop upon us, but even deliver the POWERCELL mission from entry point to final event would be a fresh journey. Make small RadHaz icon upon it, paint it yellow-black and call it fatboy. Nothing special, but still…

Instead of all that i would like roguelike mode XD. Where u hop from mission to mission with different buffs/debuffs and random perks/weapons. inhales winds of magic