Neat article about the newest volume of the OST, Vol 3. Includes interview with Jesper Kyd and several unlisted tracks

I like the new tracks for sure. Is Machine Spirit the new hub ambience? My playgroup has been really liking it.

@FatsharkStrawHat @FatsharkCatfish Will Vol 3 be available to those that already own the Soundtrack via the Imperial Edition? It doesn’t look like Vol 2 was rolled into the files so probably not, huh?

Is this the mid event music from Candestium Gloriana? It’s always too frantic for me to listen, sadly.

The whole volume is supposed to drop tomorrow on the 4th. Happy Independence Day, All!

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He needs to crack out some more organs :joy: love the organ stuff he does.

Great job finding this btw :ok_hand:


It’s def cool but I almost can’t hear it in game and I played new map a lot… not sure if it’s just me but FS you should check the volume, it’s lower than base game music

Volume 3 is out.

Here’s a Youtube link:

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