OST - Any plans for a soundtrack update with new content

Hello :slight_smile:

TLDR: Yo - you gonna release another vinyl once a few more bangers come out? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s great to see new content added and the continual improvement to the title. Darktide has such a great aesthetic that really captures the soul of the 40K hive city life done through the sensory stimulus of both the visual gothic archetecture and also the bopping sound track that clearly much love went into creating <3

The fact that the newest update has added another unique track beyond the base OST is awesome. And I look forward to hearing some more tunes with future content. However, this has created it’s own unique ‘problem’ (don’t worry it’s not a problem).

I’m sure you’re familiar of the meme format of ‘things that give you a sense of power’. For me, listening to the Darktide OST vinyl while reading the Eisenhorn novels, sipping on straight spirits trying to delusion myself into thinking it’s amesec is one of those said feelings of power. However, these is now a gap in my OST collection.

Obviously, I do not believe you’re going to update the existing vinyl customers who are now all have incomplete OSTs with a single of the new track. But I was wondering if there are any plans to releases a “2nd Transmission” Vinyl of the new tracks released with future content - once the play time reaches 2sides of a disc?


That new song in the new mission, during the maze style part :smiley:

I hope they continue adding more like that.

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It’s great isn’t it :slight_smile: It’s definetly got a unique vibe to the other tracks.

I’m curious to see what else would get added. In one of the 40K books there’s an abhuman club with ‘Pound’ music - which I think could be a really cool thematic setting.

Send the rejects into a heretical club as the fun police and have a good ol’fashioned bar brawl.

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How about putting the rest of the original tracks into the game? Organ part of Entering Throneside is missing. Emperor of Mankind is missing. Some others too, I’m sure.

Nightsider & Warp Traveller are also not present in the game which is a shame since they’re so good, Nightsider was at least used in the Psyker spotlight trailer but remains unused since.

I love the new banger from Archivum Sycorax dude, I need the complete version of it.

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For now, this unofficial upload will have to suffice


Not a vinyl owner myself but I did buy the soundtrack “DLC” and would love an update on that front :smiley:

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