Name causing crashes in every match

Issue Description:
It seems like a - in your name (in my case an Ogryn) causes me to crash consistently in every game.
Current Crashing Ogryn: Dr-HorseKnocker

I have tested this by creating a new Ogryn and have been able to play 4 maps from level 1 without a single crash.
New Ogryn: CousinOkri

I have not crashed on my Psyker as well.
Psyker: Kazieck

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Pick Ogryn
  2. Add a - in character name (ex. Dr-HorseKnocker)
  3. Play any map/difficulty/graphic settings, seems to happen very consistently, the most maps I’ve done without a crash have been 3.

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
N/A - Can reproduce and provide specific timestamp if needed.

Reproduction Rate:

We’re on the case. Thank you!

for me it doesn’t seem about name, I have the same name for my Ogryn as I do for my Veteran, crash constantly on my Ogryn as much a 3 times in a single map. NEVER on my sharpshooter