My game keeps crashing

My game keeps crashing after about 30 minutes, it is a constant problem

GUID: 18a90740-3468-4519-a6ac-1c6df72f9b04
Log File:
Info Type:

Hello Khaldis! Sorry to hear about this. The crashes you’re experiencing are called Access Violations, which are usually caused by something local. Please try running through the solutions listed here:

I performed all of the things that were listed and I still had a crash with a new error message.

GUID: 866a9630-8e3e-4f70-9d96-982f5f9b7fe1
Log File:
Info Type:

Is there anything further that I can to play this game?

Would you mind uploading your most recent crash dump using the instructions below?:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select 'OK'
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\crash_dumps
  4. Upload here

crash_dump-2019-01-18-13.49.07-721F4F60-75FD-456D-8F5A-739A.dmp (547.1 KB)

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