Its , ya boy Romey Rome…aka Rainmaker (psyker’s name)
i just a have a simple humble request… Give Psykers access to the Shot Gun Catalog PLEASE!!
i mean come on guys… its just a another gun… You can get rid of the Kantrael and Vraks…those are total garbage…ya’ll only really gave us the las pistols, the revolvers and some of the auto Infantry Guns that actually work… Ya’ll literally just threw in a few Useless guns to shut us up…
Just Give us Access to the shotguns … i mean you have nothing to lose but more psyker love to gain <3
I… umm… jfc. I mean, I would LOVE to get shotties on my psykers.
But if that happened, it would absolutely just break the game for those of us who know how to build & use them. So I really don’t think it’s a good idea, no matter how much I’d want it.
I mean just imagine what True Aim would do to a Man-Stopper shotty? Wouldn’t even need to pair it with Scattershot, just slap Flechette or Deathspitter or something on top. Not to even mention what would happen if you added your typical gunspyker stuff like Scrier’s, Disrupt Destiny etc. on top (which already buff the dmg way beyond what any other class can do).
It would just guarantee massive nerfs to psykers or shotguns or both down the line. And I don’t want that. x.x
I just wanted to add that as a main psyker since release, and a main shotgunner on my zelly & vet for the past 6 months or so… I love the topic idea! You know, despite thinking it would be too much. xD
If this happened I doubt I’d play the other classes much anymore. Even with how OP this would be, there would be just so many fun ways to play around this!
Just imagine:
A Kantrael special infinicleave burn & bleed build with Vent & Perilous Combustion’s Soulblaze on top for 3 different DoT’s in a massive area
A cleaving Agripinaa gunpsyker-sniper with massive finesse bonuses 2-shotting crushers and 1-shotting (with cleave) everything else in a line
Kantrael / Lawbringer for mixed horde clear with BB for heavies & bosses?
Lawbringer CC & bleed special spam, 2x wall shields & smite to just absolutely block the heck out of everything while bursting & bleeding them down all at once?
I think they won’t give back the Shotgun for balance reason, but I’d say a staff whose primary is a Shotgun blast (I think Sienna’s Coruscation staff) is quite likely
Shotguns is not elegant weapon. Not for psykers. I prefer more options to already exist weapons, like change special attacks (maybe i dont like flashlight and want forsepush like laspistol have).
but i want to try something BOLTERLIKE. Maybe bolterpistol? Just to do MASSIVE damage to the WEAKSPOT.
Trust me it wouldn’t break the game… the A.i would just spawn gunners right behind you to insta kill you … they would definitely make some justification for our shotties lol