Modifier best for density

Just curious if anyone finds a particular modifier best for horde density? I’m assuming the one that is just an upward triangle? (High intensity? I can never remember the names).

Or does everyone find auric maelstrom the best for density no matter the modifiers?

I only have 2 penances left to get and one of them is the 1m kills. I have over 1200 hours playtime yet still have about 330,000 kills to go.

I almost always play as Ogryn now and smash through hordes like butter but just can’t seem to ever get more than 1000-1500 kills per mission. Even on AM. It’s grindy as heck.

I wish the Moebians were back on the normal board. I’ve discounted havoc for my 1m kills penance due to the gunners not allowing for any real relaxed horde smooshing and I don’t want to upset people’s havoc rank by being there for the sake of smooshing.

30+ havoc

If you want to be chill you can play purgatus bubble psyker and just focus on hordes, bubble placement, and trying not to die. It’s honestly the easiest way and even lesser experienced player pull it off decent enough. 30 is also low enough for 1-2 decent players to carry the stack somewhat in case you want to doze off.

As many others have said before, the way horde timers are currently set up the regular auric modes feel terribly empty. Your only true option for density is havoc.

Does not count I think

Only poxwalker

Indeed, due to the hidden modifier

And that’s a problem

What do you mean?

Every kill counts, no matter the enemy, surely?


You can’t relax in havoc though. And I don’t want to upset people. It feels too focused on survival.

Tbh I also really love the visceral kinetic feeling of Ogryn melee so I’d rather have that when smooshing hordes instead of standing still with a bubble and just smiting them to death.

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Correct… don’t know why I was thinking it was poxwalkers…



1-2 maelstroms sometimes have great density but not always

Yeah they’re very hit and miss.

On the very odd occasion I can get over 2k kills an AM mission but that’s pretty rare.

I just want a whole sea of chaff like when the Moebian hordes were on the normal boards as a special event. That was so fun. Havoc is keeping me from enjoying them again though :disappointed:

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if you just want endless chaff i can recommend mercantile the start has an endless hoard just dont do the event. i did my vet marksmans focus there.


I only play with randoms though and they’d hate me for not progressing …I’d be called a troll. But I’ll look at it Ty. Maybe I can cheese it by starting a mission seconds before it leaves the mission board then hopefully I’ll just get bots :crossed_fingers:


What means @psyk here is that the beginning of mercantile is an endless horde spawning…
I used this mission to complete several penances. But as you don’t use the mod MMT…

Sure but I can’t just hang back and kill hordes. I’d get moaned at by my teammates as they would want to progress. I don’t play with premades so can’t agree with team to just stay and kill stuff.

I’d probably be kicked from team for “trolling” and it would kinda be fair enough.

Lol I just tried doing the mission board trick and chose Mercantile just as it was getting to the end of the mission board…and loaded into the lobby with no other players…clicked join…loaded…then the mission briefing was for smelter complex :person_facepalming:

It literally gave me a different mission to the one I selected. Urgh. Lol

ngl i did it once. i just followed the team and never interacted with the objective, if they wanted to move forward they could.
and i swear we spent 15 minutes in the first section with the cypher never having started :laughing:
you could get lucky just play normally and dont do objectives emperor knows thats 60% of teams

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I just gave it a go and as expected the team charged ahead and started the objectives in that room…which stops the hordes (or did so in my case). I think it’s a good idea if you use premades but unfortunately I don’t so will just have to do it the old fashion way :pensive:

I mean if you’re wanting to just straight up farm kills I could start up an infinite horde map for you with the MMT mod, and as long as the mission is old enough it wont let people quickplay into it

I know I’m at 1.6k hours or somewhere around there, and got my ‘Poxbreaker’ not TO long ago, I want to say within the last couple of months. I’ve been lazily going for penances though, I have most of them now but I’m still missing 13 poxgas missions (cause F$%K clicking on those piles of horse, I hate the bombers enough I don’t need more of my mission absolutely unplayable, even if they aren’t really that bad with all the med stims but I just, don’t like mass area denial that can’t be interacted with), a whole boat load of grims (only play auric, so am at 49 of 75) the havoc stuff (as the weekly ones kept me from ‘hard grinding’ the penances past getting the armors since they won’t be ‘done’ for another 12 weeks anyway), and still haven’t shoved the batteries in with a premade since I’d…need a premade.

Done everything else though (thank you brute conscription for letting me get Reaper kills done, the fact that still took me a week with 10-20 kills per mission is insane to me xD), so will say it’s probably just a ‘grind’ from here.

I know for me High intensity shock trooper gauntlet yields the highest return of spawns most of the time, but it’s definitely not ‘lazy farming’ given half of those spawns are trappers, dogs, gunners etc etc. The Inferno Psyker clears them out with wild abandon though/actually benefits in it’s wave clear with all the special spawns, so that’s probably why for me I’m ‘already done’ and have been since I started with Psyker way back.

For a big man though, it is probably just ‘High Intensity’ gaming and just keep at it, and as stated by another, don’t do the objective. The ‘devil tree’ mission (never can remember them by their names, but the investigate one with the tree and the blowing up bridges ‘mad dash’ section at the end), can literally go on for upwards of 45 minutes+ with a bad team (of which I know, so painfully well. For as the psyker, my spindly frame can not hack without protection, and so, so many teams are just so, so bad at doing that…to the point I just afo (away from objective) until one of them figures out that the wave clear class is doing the wave clear and I should probably progress the objective, which can take…a long, long time, sometimes XD). And I feel with the old investigation penance amount, that’s probably where at least 30-40% of my kills came from, just endlessly killing the endless hordes that come during that section while I wait for my team to realize they should probably do their job because they aren’t good enough for me to do it for them XD.

I’d probably look at ‘spamming’ those/that mission, as the whole mission is just an endless horde while you investigate things, and if nobody does it, you just kill and kill and kill and killll.

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Could always use many more try mod.

Then you can have all the kills to yourself. :slight_smile:
Just choose a mission older then 2 hours on the map you’re looking for!