I know I’m at 1.6k hours or somewhere around there, and got my ‘Poxbreaker’ not TO long ago, I want to say within the last couple of months. I’ve been lazily going for penances though, I have most of them now but I’m still missing 13 poxgas missions (cause F$%K clicking on those piles of horse, I hate the bombers enough I don’t need more of my mission absolutely unplayable, even if they aren’t really that bad with all the med stims but I just, don’t like mass area denial that can’t be interacted with), a whole boat load of grims (only play auric, so am at 49 of 75) the havoc stuff (as the weekly ones kept me from ‘hard grinding’ the penances past getting the armors since they won’t be ‘done’ for another 12 weeks anyway), and still haven’t shoved the batteries in with a premade since I’d…need a premade.
Done everything else though (thank you brute conscription for letting me get Reaper kills done, the fact that still took me a week with 10-20 kills per mission is insane to me xD), so will say it’s probably just a ‘grind’ from here.
I know for me High intensity shock trooper gauntlet yields the highest return of spawns most of the time, but it’s definitely not ‘lazy farming’ given half of those spawns are trappers, dogs, gunners etc etc. The Inferno Psyker clears them out with wild abandon though/actually benefits in it’s wave clear with all the special spawns, so that’s probably why for me I’m ‘already done’ and have been since I started with Psyker way back.
For a big man though, it is probably just ‘High Intensity’ gaming and just keep at it, and as stated by another, don’t do the objective. The ‘devil tree’ mission (never can remember them by their names, but the investigate one with the tree and the blowing up bridges ‘mad dash’ section at the end), can literally go on for upwards of 45 minutes+ with a bad team (of which I know, so painfully well. For as the psyker, my spindly frame can not hack without protection, and so, so many teams are just so, so bad at doing that…to the point I just afo (away from objective) until one of them figures out that the wave clear class is doing the wave clear and I should probably progress the objective, which can take…a long, long time, sometimes XD). And I feel with the old investigation penance amount, that’s probably where at least 30-40% of my kills came from, just endlessly killing the endless hordes that come during that section while I wait for my team to realize they should probably do their job because they aren’t good enough for me to do it for them XD.
I’d probably look at ‘spamming’ those/that mission, as the whole mission is just an endless horde while you investigate things, and if nobody does it, you just kill and kill and kill and killll.