Missing Font for Most Languages

Issue Type (Required):

Text & Localisation

Issue Description (Required):

This has been an issue with the game for a long time… The game cannot display fonts for many of the Asian languages, player names and chat are replaced with square boxes wherever the font cannot be displayed. Players have just learned to live with this bug, but this is an actual issue that interferes with the gaming experience.

I can list how much of a hinderance this bug is from my experience playing the game, and the problems it causes:

  1. Can not see player names and need to check Steam recent players to see who just joined. Sometimes when players have same amount of syllables in their names it becomes impossible to tell who is chatting.
  2. Cannot read or write Vietnamese, and there is no mod or workaround for this, same goes for many other languages including Japanese. Communication in these languages is impossible.
  3. Need to restart the game and change to Chinese language when I play with a Chinese friend, and need to toggle the Korean Chat mod whenever I want to read Korean. All of these are not compatible with each other so need to change settings constantly.

It is just overall a very annoying bug that hinders communication.

I have just created a mod to fix this issue: Steam Workshop::Support All Languages
This mod completely fixes related issues with all languages. I wrote the mod as clearly and future proof as I can so it can be sanctioned because I really need to use this mod in the official game. Please approve it!

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Join any Asian lobby
  2. Will not be able to read most of the chat and player usernames because they appear as blank squares
  3. Also happens in western lobbies but not as frequently

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

Thanks for the concise write up!

This isn’t a bug, as it’s intentional for squares to display when characters are not supported in a font. This was a design decision due to memory, that not all characters are supported for each font.

That said, we’ve had some recent discussions internally about this , and we’re exploring potential options (At least for PC. For console it’s trickier as memory is far more of a restriction)

I’ve also mentioned the ‘Support All Languages’ mod to our developers that handle mod-related things - I can’t make any guarantees, but they’ll take a look at this.

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