"Make Every Shot Count" Penance should be reworked

I have about 80 hours on Veteran, not once have I gotten close to this penance being completed. It requires either insane discipline, practice, and immense familiarity with your weapon… or just a complete disregard for others by not using a ranged weapon for over half a match after burning it all on one horde. Veteran’s whole kit revolves around their ranged weapon, it allows for you to kill priority targets before your teammates need to worry about them. This penance, when completed with all the recommended tactics (other than just playing a different character), restricts your loadout to the point where a lucky level 10 can outshine you.

The fix for this is easy too, just lower it from 100% accuracy to 85% to 95%. Give some wiggle room for people who aren’t going to hit their shots all the time, or people using a controller. Alternatively replace it with something that couldn’t hinder the team as much, such as “Kill 25 designated targets in 60 seconds on Heresy or higher”, “Get 100 kills without moving on Heresy or higher”, or “Contribute to 50% of the grenades thrown in a mission on Heresy or higher”. Anything would be preferred to the current penance.


The worst part isnt the 100% accuracy, you are bound to have that happen some day, its the “with no ammo left” part.

You regenerate ammo by killing/hitting. You also get ammo regenerated by allies in your large aura range. You have to do it on Heresy+ where elites spawn at the end of every map.

So all in all you have to:

  1. Not miss a single bullet
  2. Unload your whole weapon during the run
  3. Have to deal with ammo regeneration
  4. Have to pray no one has to kill elites at the end of the level
  5. If someone had to kill an elite, pray that meat shows up that doesnt regen ammo
  6. You are not allowed to die before extraction
    (7. Not get greaved by a jester that thinks its cool to kill an elite before he hops on the transporter)

FS probably thinks that achievement is okay, because a crapload of people unlocked it.
Either they did it via the Flamethrower while it was still possible, or they just alt+f4 with one bullet left in the gun at the end of the mission.


How do you know you haven’t come close, when the game never tells you what percentage accuracy you did have during the mission?

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