I’d like to suggest a rework for the end event of this map.
Which by far, is one of the easiest end event, in my opinion.
unlike “Chasm Station” map, Magistrati Oubliette won’t spawn specials at all.
and it is weird, because in solo play, the same end event… will spawn specials as:
hounds, snipers, trappers and so on. even reapers iirc.
(perhaps it’s because of bots disabled, but i didn’t test deep there.)
To make it more interesting, whenever players destroy the void shield
and then damaging the scab captain, the scab captain will retreat inside the door.
(where he climbs down first time)
It is a gate nearby where he drops, or just make him climb up again and he’s invincible for a period of time. where then, players will focus on the horde, specials and elites, to make it more interesting, while he’s immune and observing, he will send enemies such as: specials, elites and dense horde.
either after a cool-down or certain x enemies defeated, he will drop again, and once destroying again the void shield, at this point the team should coordinately damage the boss, trying to attack at the same time, to make the kill still “faster”
- it will make the end event challenging and interesting, making a difference in game design, where the boss is not at the center of attention, and making the fight more dynamic.
(too many times people just focus on the boss because it literally won’t spawn anything, and by the time it will send the ragers/maulers, the boss will be dead already…)
it would promote cooperation, as in trying to deal damage coordinately at the same time
it would make the bossfight a bit more interesting, because not a dps race, especially when the game is not balanced.
- perhaps It could slightly take a bit longer than usual.
- It could become more harder.