If you’re anything like me (autistic) then you probably enjoy the animations of Darktide. Now, I certainly can appreciate a good animation, but what I like more than good animations, is consistent animations, what do I mean exactly? Well, compare all the ranged weapon animations in this game to the Lucius lasgun and Autopistol. Night and day, am I wrong?
Would love if they were given remade animations, much like the Infantry lasgun got way back near launch day. That is all, goodbye.
I dunno what’s the issue about them? They seem fine to me.
It’d be nice to have another draw animation or 2 for the Lucius, kinda like how you don’t yank the charging handle on the bolter every draw anymore. Unless he’s referring to the extreme jank of whatever animation hell occurs when you cleave something with Mk3’s bayonet swipe in which case yeah really though. Thing is so unfinished looking.
Auto pistol idk what the critique is, if it wasn’t so bad while also being brutal on ammo I’d use it…bracing it by holding it very slightly sideways is peak funny to me. Hive ganger scum weapons should be wielded like hive gangsters…
I probably should’ve put more detail in why I dislike the animations, then again it’s hard for me to articulate it but I’ll try anyway. The overall fidelity of their animations are not to par with any of the other ranged weapons except maybe the laspistol, the autopistol & lucius both have practically bugless animations but are also very linear. The autopistol animations are more like a robot performing the animations and not a real breathing thing. The lucius’ animations are just super slow with not a whole lot happening to make the slow animations make sense.
Again, no hate to sub-par animations, when I take offense to them however is when they feel so obviously out of place compared to the other guns’ animations in the same video game.
What part would need to be smoothed out to improve the experience? Or what solution would be satisfying to you regarding the animation?
Do the animations cause you to die, or unable to accomplish a task, or is this just personal preference/annoyance?
The solution that would be satisfying to me regarding the animation is bringing those two weapons’ visual fidelity up to par with the other weapons. I do not care about weapon stats. Coherent animations and sound design are what makes me want to pick up a weapon.
A little bit ago, some half finished revamped animations for the autopistol were accidentally put into the game, I really liked them, liked them so much in fact it made me pick up autopistol and use it pretty extensively until they fixed it, I don’t blame them, half of the animations reverted to the original animations. I posted the bug report in the hopes they would finish the animations, but alas, they only removed them.
Here’s me showcasing the animations, as well as the parts that revert back to the original animations. Yes, it is almost purely personal preference, however I much prefer these animations than the ones we have now, even in the unfinished state they are in.
But with the new patch coming out for weapons next week, I wouldn’t be surprised if they add back these animations, just fully finished obviously.
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