Lucious pattern Lasgun charge rework suggestion

I love using the Lucious pattern lasguns primarily because of the bayonet (that feeling of a bayonet sliding between a heretic’s ribs amirite?) but also because of the armor piercing potential. Unfortunately the Lucius pattern has many problems. today I will suggest a way to address the charge up problems. For starters, holding down the trigger to charge and releasing it feels wonky and unnatural while also hurting my accuracy which is supposed to be the Lucious’ place to shine.

Suggestion: Make the weapon auto charge by default.

After you fire a shot, the rifle charges the shot without any input and fires every time you hit the trigger regardless of charge level. Weapon should no longer fire automatically from being fully charged.

*More enjoyable experience. It would just feel more right to hit the trigger to fire the weapon.
*Better accuracy.
*Always have a fully charged shot ready to go at the start of engagement.
*It just makes much more sense! Who ever heard of a weapon that will fire without any input from the user? It’s basically an accidental discharge machine by design.

*It would mean ammo would be consumed more quickly via less choice NOT to fuilly charge shots.
*I suspect the gun would be much more powerful as a result. But this is offset by the needlessly long ready animation and, again, higher ammo consumption of the charge shots.

If you worry that such a change would unbalance the different Lucius lasguns with varying fire rates, just add a delay before it begins charging equal to the time between shots before it begins to charge again.

Jeeze, a few days go by and not even getting anyone telling me my idea is stupid. Is everyone okay out there?

Your idea is bad and you should feel bad!

(I didn’t read any of it I just saw your own reply and decided to fill the void in your heart)

Your idea sounds ripped from another thread :rofl: but kudos for making a new, more visible thread.

Whew, there it is. Now this feels more like the internet.

Glad I’m not the only one thinking it then. Hope it happens.

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