I play Chaos Wastes with a premade and two weeks ago we painfully trudged our way through No HUD + Curse of Comradeship. I figured getting through that meant we’d be in the clear for quite a few weeks… what do we get with this weeks challenges?
Curse of Comradeship again.
I cannot think of a less fun modifier for Chaos Wastes. Why kneecap one of the pillars that makes Chaos Wastes fun? Making exploration frustrating is like introducing parameters that removed stagger or cleave. It is technically a challenge, sure, but it’s like putting rocks in your shoes. It’s making the game less fun, not more. You’re not modifying your playstyle, it’s not introducing a unique challenge that has nuance or texture, it just makes you play less. You have to skip routes, you have to call out whatever you’re doing, and you try your best to get through as quickly as possible to get it over with.
On top of that, it’s a poorly designed modifier because apart from making the game annoying to play, if nothing bad happens then the modifier has very little impact. But if a spike happens (say, a perilous blightstormer), it’s an insta-wipe. It just makes the spikes worse, and difficulty spikes where you immediately crumple are some of the least fun parts of the game. (This is similar to Abduction, also a poorly designed modifier).
We’re just considering cheesing it with bots solo or skipping this week entirely because how un-fun this parameter is.
Yeah. Please stop using this one, it doesn’t make the game impossible but it prices out everyone who isn’t a premade team on voice chat. It leads to a lot of dumb BS both in community behaviour and in gameplay. For instance if you join a game in progress the game often spawns you so far away from the party that you are guaranteed to die and deal damage to the rest of the team in the process. People prefer to do this weekly solo but you don’t have an option for that, so if the above happens people often just refuse to revive you until you leave so they can solo in peace.
As expected, I ended up just playing it Solo on Legend for the rewards.
There are a lot of small tweaks they could do to make it not so oppressive, and instead a risk that you calculate whether it’s worth it or not.
E.g., it could be a quasi-Darktide mode, where you can’t gain THP if you’re outside of the desired spot, or that you can’t get knocked and instead immediately die when downed. Or maybe you get Cursed HP Max for every tick (which would still be irritating, but at least less so). Anything.
That way when you split into pairs to check multiple routes, there’s now a real risk since the entire team could die until they rejoin, so you can weigh that against sticking together. Instead of just making it a dimensionless oppressive take damage until you die.
Comradeship is back this week. Is this a joke? Feeling like “if you just suffer through it, it won’t be back for a while” only for it to continually reappear with a vengeance is really frustrating.
How many Curses are there in the game?
I truly do not understand on any level. Are these curse selections curated? Are they generated by RNG?
I’m once again asking Fatshark to kindly remove Curse of Comradeship from the weekly rotation (and/or from the game).
Or, at least, make curses not return until every curse has been used. Tolerating it once every few months I could maybe stomach, playing it once every other week is actual hell.
Or adjust how it works, like I spitballed above. Someone on reddit even suggested being unable to regen stamina until linking back up again. Anything other than “you (very quickly) die”.