Lore, Careers and Questions

Franz Lohner’s Chronicle — Family Trouble — Warhammer: Vermintide 2

So, Hedda storyline seems finished for now. Back to Sienna and throwing out red herrings for her fourth career. Also, nice of FS to admit that undead bosses are bount to return.

Also, nice little jab at Saltzpyre in the beginning.

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Franz Lohner’s Chronicle — Five Go Their Separate Ways — Warhammer: Vermintide 2

First Lore piece after the Necromancer drop basically telling the foretale of the chance meeting in the tower. Together with the Necromancer trailer and the fact that Sofia actually fell into a well of spirits, I think they seem really to go towards some kind of merging/fusion/posession-thingy between the two sisters. So Sienna’s choice would partially be forced upon her.

Though, it still does not give a reasonable on how the rest of the group would tolerate/accept this. If it posession, Saltzpyre would kill her even quicker. Maybe they go the “friendship” route of her companions trying to help her undoing the merge (although that would be meaning that the lore would move towards removing an actually playable class). Or they could go the “Dire Need” route with presenting a new and stronger foe/threat that they need to band together (similar to the beginning of Vermintide 1). Or they just stop Vermintide 2 at this point and just like the title of the FLC, they go all separate ways and FS releases one New Vermintide for each character ^^’

Anyway, I guess we will have to wait to find out how much Sienna is actually still in that walking corpse. I sure hope they are not jokingly glossing over the narrative issues and call it a day.


Geheimnisnacht is approaching and will probably start together with Sienna’s Necromancer release.

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Not sure if this fully convinces me. First reaction seems realistic as Markus may not be able to identify her as necromancer. But later?

So it is all the power of friendship?

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Yup that’s what I dislike in this interaction.

Necro Sienna seem more like something they wanted to do mechanically and had to find a way to make it work rather than the other way around.

Like OE, SotT and WP were clear narrative evolutions, more so for Bardin and Saltz, but Kerillian make sense with it, wood elves, protective of the weaves, those are things that are at the basis for the Sisters (Honestly the only 1 I can dislike is the Handmaiden).

As for Grail Knight, it’s a different case. The End Time make it that the Lady (Remember that GK are a scam to get protectors) has to scramble and get any person that is worthy of it.

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Aqshy mentioned the posts will have a monthly release going forward.

That got me to think: with Hedda and Sofia finding their way into the game, which FLC plots are left hanging?
I can only think of a mission to the Fauschlag on the top of my mind.

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Lohner’s past ? And the person that Hedda knows who was ftiend with Lohner ? (Though personally I want this to be for Dreadtide)

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Hedda and Kerillian’s common past?
Saltzpyre and Be’lakor?
Markus heritage castle in Bretonnia?
Olesya’s game?
The current leader of the pact sworn?
The second keep in the mountains?
Kerillian fixing the weave or at least trying it instead of constant whining?

Granted, most of them have only been grazed shortly (if at all?). There are also still some open questions from before like Karak Zorn?

It depends on how much more content FS wants to create.


I totally agree with this. There’s lot of stuff left to explore although I expect many plot threads and such to be hanging in the wind if VT2 does not get any more development.

Even if I hope we’ll keep playing this game for a very long time yet.

EDITED: And I’d like to add that the addition of the Necromancer does rub my the wrong way. A change winds for Sienna would make more sense to me and not feel as forced as having a necromancer in the group with everyone but Saltz just brushing if off like that. Especially with Kruber.

But that’s life you know, you don’t get everything you want.

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I totally forgot about Hedda and Kerillian’s past connection. It might just be a nice tease though, considering dwarves and elves live such long lives. (I mean it’s nice that they know each other, but the reason might not be as exciting as we think)
I’d say Saltzpyre and Be’lakor is explained about as much as they planned. The Daemon Prince (or the part of him that found himself in Drachenfels) whispered to Victor in a long game to gain power in the Citadel of Eternity. His plan was eventually thwarted, and the only question that remains is how can Victor use WP powers now. My guess is that his faith was first boosted than shattered by the reveal, but with the vanquishing of the Shadowlord Victor’s confidence and faith skyrocketed.
Likewise, I think the bit about the weave was forshadowing for SotT.
VT2 seems to consider the quest for Karak Zorn as little more than a pasttime for a Bardin that didn’t want to dwell on family matters. It’s a shame, but I can see his focus shifting with the End Times.

Still hoping for a Bretonnia-set mappack. It would be lovely to see different scenery.

The Fauschlag quest stuck in my mind. It’s likely that Lohner was stonewalled by the ulrican church. Or maybe it was just a forshadowing for the Citadel of Eternity: Saltzpyre was looking for unconventional solutions, enter the Shadowlord.
Another abandoned plot (way before chaos wastes) is the clan fester puppeteer mentioned by Oleysa, the one pulling Skarrik’s strings. Rasknitt also mentions a “feckless warlock” in the tutorial (unless that’s Nurgloth, but it’s more likely to be a skaven warlock, as Rasknitt is groveling to the rotbloods there.)

It would be lovely if they held a lore Q&A: one thing I’m still confused about is Victor’s 180 turn about Drachenfels himself.


Another Greyseer involved with Clan Fester would be cool and if I recall there was a mentioning a LONG time back that some new cheiftain/warlord was directing Clan Fester from the shadows after Skarrick and Rasknitt got axed by the Ü5 (or four, it doesn’t matter!).

New FlC, will link tomorrow when not on smartphone anymore

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Still am salty about it, just a bad taste all together (narratively, gameplay wise she look fun)

Well, at least they are adressing it.

Though, to a certain degree I have to admit it is an interesting piece of media. On the one hand, you have the gameplay element Necromancer which will stay. Because frankly, you can’t remove such a piece of content after a while.

On the other hand, you have a narrative that is kinda hostile against the existence of this gameplay element. And may even go into the direction of actively searching a way of it.

In the end, the options are limited. Either the group will somehow fall into acceptance (redemption arcs, out of necessity, half solution by removing the Sofia part and calling it a day) or this is the setup for the U5s endtimes final (Sienna going evil, Victor turning towards Be’Lakor, Kruber drinking himself to death, …). Otherwise, you will create a growing gap between the co-op gameplay element and the surrounding narrative. Although, not that many people probably care about it.

Also, Lohner’s call for a new crisis is definetely FS’s contractual promise for new campaign content!

Fatshark has released a new FLC in the shadow of Castle Drachenfels! :stuck_out_tongue:

Not happening much in there. Which ironically enough is also the topic of the FLC. Only interesting part was that Hedda apparently visits the keep from time to time.

Does FS dare a new playable character?


Just further confirming that Hedda will be playable

In Dreadtide

I wonder if they’ll ever explain who Lohner is, straight up confirm or deny the fact that Lohner is Morgan Bernhardt. It’s one of the points I’m most interested in.

And this part:

The last is from an Umgi, a northerner named Franz Lohner – an associate of both my father, and, strangely enough, of another one of my old travel partners.

I don’t think they ever mentioned it in the Karak Azgaraz missions.


This might be Captain Obvious coming to the to the rescue, but: That might be a reference to one of several Dwarf regiment commanders who fought with the Grudgebringers in the Shadow of the Horned Rat and Dark Omens campaigns/games.

If so it would be interesting to know which one it is.